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Using the Creative FluencyIn my Digital Learning class, we were assigned to show the usage of the Creative Fluency steps in one of our past assignments. The assignment I chose to express the steps through was on my creation of a Low-Poly 3D Island in my Information and Communication Technologies class. For this project, we had to use a program called Blender as our medium for the island. I also followed a provided tutorial on how to do so. IDENTIFY: ...4 years ago by
Amirali -
Creative FluencyI used the Creative fluency in my assignment this term, in my ...4 years ago by
Wen Qin -
Digital FootprintWhat is Digital Footprint?< click the link 🙂4 years ago by
Danika -
Using the Creative FluencyThe project I am using for the Creative Fluency assignment is a modern art project that I completed in Art 9 last semester. This project required us to transfer the art styles or paintings of other artists, onto our own made plaster of our hand. We used many steps in order to complete this project. Identify: What was needed to be successful in this assignment, was to create a plaster sculpture of our hand with an artistic design on top of it. Creating the plaster of our hand was probably the hardest part from start to finish. It started easy with making our mold, however, when we got to the plaster part, things became harder. We had to carefully take our hands out of the molds without damaging them, and slowly chiseled and carved designs into the hand. In addition to the project, us students had to go out of class and fill a "Modern Art Hunt" worksheet. We went around school filling out information on the artworks in school, as they would be helpful when deciding on a design....5 years ago by
Azumi A -
Using Creative FluencyIn my Digital Learning class, I was assigned to elaborate and discuss the Creative Fluency expressed within the work of any project that I have completed in class. I decided to base this assignment on the short story I created called the Revolution of Crimes in my English class. For this project, we had to use the elements of short stories we learnt and form a short story of our own to express our learning. IDENTIFY: In order to be successful in this assignment you must follow the criteria which includes incorporating the features that make up a fictional story (plot, setting, character, mood, conflict, point of view, imagery, theme), proper sentence structure, proper grammar, correct punctuation/spelling, as well as creativity. Since this short story took me almost two weeks to complete, there were many challenges I encountered. One being the fact that I was limited to 2-4 pages, the text had to be double spaced, and written in a 12 sized font. As I was in the process of finishing my story I noticed that I had forgotten to use the 12 size font and instead the 10 size font. Fortunately enough, my story was not more than four pages, however I realized that I did not double space my written work. The double spacing affected my written work because it exceeded the amount of pages needed in the criteria. At this point, I needed to shorten my story. Soon after, I overcame those struggles and produced a descriptive/creative story that would earn me a good mark....5 years ago by
Jayda -
Digital Footprint Assignment˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ Here's the link to my infographic about Emma Chamberlain and her digital footprint on Piktochart! https://create.piktochart.com/output/43379571-digital-footprint-assignment...5 years ago by
Marta K -
Digital FootprintHere is my digital footprint! I hope that this can give you some information on how the digital footprint can affect a celebrity! In this case the celebrity being Selena Gomez. If it's too small to read from there, here is the link to my piktochart! https://create.piktochart.com/output/43310785-selena-gomez-digital-footprint...5 years ago by
Sophia -
Digital Footprint AssignmentDigital Footprint Assignment For this month's assignment, we were told to make a presentation upon a celebrity of our choice explaining their social media habits and their digital footprint. The celebrity that I have chosen is a singer/songwriter, Frank Ocean. This being said, I have been a fan of his work for several years now and I have learned about his social media habits from taking constant looks at his Instagram. The reason I have chosen Frank was due to how many people believe that you need social media in modern-day to be relevant. By saying this, my powerpoint disagrees with this point as it shows that even though Frank Ocean rarely uses his social media accounts and only has 3 platforms, it does not mean that he is any less relevant than any other celebrity with a higher social media usage. I also find that he tends to express his creative self by posting pictures of his artwork and photography rather than posting about himself all the time. With his accounts, his fans tend to enjoy his posts as they have a more in-depth meaning towards them if taken into further consideration. More can be learned about Frank Ocean in the powerpoint I have made with the link below....5 years ago by
Barfin -
Digital FootprintFor this digital footprint assignment, I made an infographic about a singer, Tiffany Day. It includes who she is, her digital footprints, protections, what she wants us to know, my advice for her, if I think she overshares on her social media, and etc.5 years ago by
Gyuri L -
Digital FootprintHere are my digital footprint infographics on internet personality, Marla Catherine. Instead of using Piktochart I used google drawings because it allowed me to format the page more freely.5 years ago by
Cecile -
Digital Footprint assignmentMy Powerpoint on Digital Footprint This is the powerpoint I did on the digital footprint. I did my powerpoint on J.Cole. He is a rapper, that has an album that went platinum without any features. His most famous album is "2014 Forest Hills Drive", which is also the album he went platinum on without features. He was born in 1985 in the U.S army base because his dad was a soldier. However, his dad left his family which caused his family to move to Fayetteville. His address at Fayetteville was 2014 Forest Hills Drive, which is his most famous album name. J.Cole is someone that puts his life stories in his songs....5 years ago by
Sam Y -
Digital FootprintDigital Literacy Domics Presentation This is my presentation for my digital footprint project. This presentation would talk about a certain Youtuber (Dominic Panganiban), with answering all your questions, and explain whether this person is exposing their identity and personal information or not. Press the link to download and view the presentation....5 years ago by
Elianna Z
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