My assignment I ended up picking was the Spotify playlist for the city states. I wanted to represent through songs how it was like during the ancient Greek times.  

  1. I learned that ancient Greek wasn’t all unified and that they were going to war pretty often like how Sparta and Athens were. They both wanted power and control and were doing whatever they could to get that. I didn’t know Athens were one of the first to become more civilized with their laws and government. I saw that Athens also actually gave their civilians more rights and freedom as time went on which was nice because not that many other ancient civilizations had that, and Athens seemed to introduce it. I learned that Sparta was a rougher city state to be in due to the wars they would always go to. If you were born in Sparta as a boy, you’d be raised to fight for war and go to military training school which was crazy.
  2. I liked that I was able to make a customized playlist for either of the city states. It was a bit challenging or me though because I had to find a lot of song titles that fit and represented each city state and it’s not like I know a lot of songs out there. I think it was challenging a little only because I had to make sure the song fit and represent whatever event it was meant for and there’s also not songs with titles, you’re looking for either sometimes.
  3. The easiest was the formatting. All I had to do was list the artist and the song title with the explanation sentences. That wasn’t hard to me at all since I got to do it on a word document, and it didn’t require any drawing. I find assignments with drawings harder since I am not the best drawer and I always like to do written assignments more.
  4. I think I’d definitely live in Athens rather than Sparta. Athens was much more well developed and had more rules and government than Sparta and the civilians also eventually got more rights. Sparta was only war driven so I think living there would be too crazy and would probably die faster there.
Reflective assignment

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