Hi I’m Edison and some of my interest in school are Japanese and coding.  One reason why I want to learn how to speak Japanese is because, I want to go to Japan , but I also know how to interact with them instead of pointing on the menus and other things. For coding, I think it’s a fun hobby to mess around with, if I have free time or anytime I can use it on.

This is one of my favorite quotes; When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” – by Elon Musk. Why I like this quote is because, I haven’t had Japanese yet although this quote does make me want to improve on it or try harder on it.

Favorite video: https://youtu.be/0Fi8FFGRthQ (I don’t know why it’s not showing) Even though this video is quite strange I like it because, it’s something that your just bored and nothing to do, but you spend it on something funny and make a silly video. It’s also a type of course I like using adobe and making videos, since I also have a interest with photoshop.

Discord: I use discord basically everyday as well as socializing myself with people who cant meet me with the pandemic. Most of the time I talk to strangers from online or in a Discord server.

https://www.youtube.com/ YouTube is a website I think a lot of people in the world will use. I use it because, I like watching people making videos and supporting them by subscribing to them or by liking the videos. It’s something everyone can do and giving them views or ads, which is how they get money but I like doing it because , a lot of YouTubers work on their channels for months or years.