What is your daily need for the items in your bag? Why do you carry it in your bag all day or most days?


I use my binder to hold all my school work that is on paper in neat sections for each of my subjects. I have four different sections for each of my subjects that I store my papers in depending on what subject the paper is for. My binder also keeps extra lined and graphing paper in case me or a classmate needs it. I carry my binder in my bag all day because I receive different papers from all my subjects each day as well as, making notes in class that I need to store for later use.


The daily need of my notebook is using it to write different notes from each of my classes. I keep it neat and each page has easy to read notes that I can look back on in the future when studying or trying to remember something from a previous lesson. I carry my notebook in my bag all day, because I take in a lot of information from all my classes and I need to have notes from these lessons, in order to be able to remember them and look back at them later.


I constantly use and need my laptop in all my classes in order too succeed. It is one of the most important items in my bag since I use it a lot of the times for completing online assignments that are given in class, as well as using it to research different things for each of my classes. I carry my laptop with me all day because I use it to complete all my online assignments, research, and on some occasions writing down notes.

Water bottle

Having a water bottle is a good way to stay healthy and feel good at school so it is a important daily item that I always bring to school. Staying hydrated in class ensures that I am able to stay on top of my health and being able to feel the best I can at school. I carry my water bottle all day because I know that in order to stay healthy I must drink large amounts of water each day even when I am at school.


I use my earbuds daily throughout the day at school. I use them when I have work in class to do and want to focus and drown out any other distractions. They are also an important item that I can use for when I am watching an instructional video on a subject in class without having to distract other classmates with the sound. I carry my earbuds all day at school so that if I have a work block in one of my classes I can listen to music in order to focus better.

Pencil Case

Having my pencil case at school is a important daily item that I always need. It stores many important things in it that I use on a daily basic. Things such as pencils, pens, calculator, eraser, ruler, sticky notes, and highlighters are important to have at school. I carry my pencil case in my bag all day because I usually need it for each of my classes for things such as note taking or for completing work that is on paper.


What do the items in your bag say about the literacies you have? What do the items tell us about how you communicate and interact with your society, culture, school, etc.?

The items that I hold in my bag each hint towards literacy in many ways. At first glance, you can clearly see my literacy towards my organization as everything is neatly and smartly placed in my bag to ensure that nothing gets destroyed or lost. As well as organization, my literacy towards my own health and well being stands out. Caring a large water bottle, making sure I drink plenty of fluids at all times of the day as well as bringing earbuds which not only is my literacy towards well being since music can help with stress, but also literacy in productivity since earbuds can help get rid of any distractions. My laptop is an excellent example of my literacies towards digital knowledge as I have a great understanding of many things on the internet and how to find what I need. Finally, my notebook, binder, and pencil case is a good example of many literacies such as note taking, organization, and preparation.

The items that I carry on a daily basis in my bag shows that I communicate with my school since using things such as my laptop I am able to speak with teachers and complete assignments that is given to me on Teams and OneNote. My binder and notebook communicates and shows that I am able to hold all assignment or notes that are given in an organized way.

How do you imagine an archeologist aiming to understand this temporal period might view the contents of your bag many years in the future? If this was found in the future, what would the contents of your bag speak to about the civilization, culture, society, you have lived in.

If an archeologist was aiming to understand this period by looking at the contents of my bag in the future he would notice quickly that in this period this bag did not have to carry lots of items in order to go about his daily life at school. He would notice that although there are not many things in the bag it is still able to satisfy all the needs of school. Having one device for online work, a binder for organizing handouts or assignments, notebook for notes, and a pencil case is all that is needed. It is all light while being clean and organized.

If this was found in the future the contents in my bag would show that the civilization, culture society that I have lived in was able to successfully carry all the necessities for school without having to compromise space and weight. This shows that this civilization was organized, prepared, and clean. The culture that this bag would speak about would show that people cared about ensuring that they carried all their necessities and being prepared while also not having to carry heavy weights.

What would this same bag have looked like say 5 or 10 years ago?

This same bag would carry much more different items five years ago than what it carries now. The bag itself would be a larger bag considering that five years ago I carried much more items than I do now. It would have more pockets to store items on the inside and out to ensure that I can fit as many items as I can. Five years ago I would carry a much larger and heavier laptop, many different types of duo tangs for each subject, lunch, water bottle, two pencil cases, and one large binder. My bag has changed a lot over the years and is always changing each year depending on what subjects I have and what they require me to bring.