• What form of writing (hieroglyphs or cuneiform) did you find more challenging to complete? Describe why it was harder? for me i straggled with the hieroglyphs more then the cuneiform activity.
  • the cuneiform were easy to do because it was us choosing a sentence then finding those characters but for the hieroglyphs we had to draw and I’m not good at drawing and for this assignment we had to choose any sentence but for the cuneiform the teacher told us to write about what we ate for lunch or dinner.
  • If you could choose one form of writing (cuneiform or hieroglyphs), which would it be?  From your choice, what reasons can you give to help the reader understand why you made that choice. 
  • i think i would choose the hieroglyphs because i think it would be easier to find the symbols and understand what there trying to say unlike the cuneiform, the cuneiform has so many lines and there are some characters that are the same so that makes it harder to find what there trying to say but still i would prefer the cuneiform then the hieroglyphs.