Reflection 1

Hi Hello




 Here is my Vinyl sticker I designed in Engineering and Design 9





a) I had started designing and drawing this out a pretty long time back but officially started working on it few weeks back.  Everyone in the class had to design a sticker that represented themselves for the class poster.

b)I had never worked with adobe illustrator before and so there were things I got confused with but I was able to overcome those challenges, which is why I am proud of this assignment.

c) Like I had stated before, it was my first time working with adobe illustrator so I got confused a lot. there are many tools and components to illustrator but with the help of my teacher and friend, I was able to fix my mistakes and overcome those challenges.

d) If I could do this assignment again or fix something about it is the details in the sticker. I wish to have made something a bit more complex with more details making the assignment look better. Other than that, I am satisfied with the overall assignment.


Edit: Nov. 22




Here are some notes from my Chemistry Unit.





a) we had finished the chemistry unit few weeks back. Before our Unit test, everyone had to make a unit “review” of everything we learned. These are some notes from the unit “review”

b) I’m very satisfied with the layout and how organized my notes look. They look pleasing to the eye in opinion which makes me want to study harder if something is pleasing to me.

c) Tracking back to the start of the chemistry unit and trying to rewrite the so I can memorize them easily was kind of hard. Having to find all my past notes and put them in an organized way with all the information I would need for the unit test was also a bit hard. There was a lot of notes and information to put and so that’s where I kind of stumbled.

d) I would try to fit more information onto the pages, especially the information I was getting confused with or didn’t understand properly. I would also draw some more visuals as I am a visual learner.

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