“Gray Sky again”. Lester grumbles as he squeezes himself from the crowded subway train. The smell of sweet potatoes diffuses from the stall. Lester ponders what will happen on his first day of the new job. He is going to become a beholder of an apartment, where he spies other’s people’s actions. If he sees anyone who committed infractions, he has to report them to the police. He heard that the previous superintend has been “disappeared”. Instantly, he stops himself from thinking about the other person. Although thinking of other individuals is not forbidden, obeying new laws that come up as often as spider webs on the wall already filled him with frustration. His daughter’s Pneumonia also makes him worried a lot. There is no time for him to think of the safety of others. Suddenly, a pain awakes him from his thoughts. The red tile wall stands in front of him. He realizes he already reached the destination—The Patriots Apartment. 

Lester walks into the building, and he soon meets the administrator from the Disciplinary Department. The inside of the building is just as unadorned as the outside. Plain white wall with crakes and spider web on it. He follows the introducer into a room. There is not much space inside the room. The room is dark, which is opposed to the lustrous display screen. They both sit down. The introducer starts to speak: “This will be your workstation from now on, in order to fulfill your duty, you need to inject this medication that could decrease your sleeping time. You and your family could dwell in this apartment. All you have to do is to report the infraction committed by others.” Before Lester said anything, the introducer left, leaving him along with the cameras. 

Lester stares at the cameras for the past five hours. He hasn’t discovered any infractions so far. “Ding”, the telephone rings. Lester picks up the phone immediately. “Lester, our daughter is in danger, come to the Revolution Hospital right now!” Lester panicked immediately. He veers out from the apartment immediately, using all of his strength to run to the subway station. Lester soon reaches the hospital. The doctor in the room calmly said: “Sir, you need to pay 10,000 dollars for your daughter’s illness.” Lester freeze. He doesn’t have that big amount of money. He already has a lot of depts when he paid for his daughter’s medication last time. “Can’t I pay after my daughter finishes the surgery?” Lester implores, knowing that this is the last straw. “Sir, as much as I want to help you, you have to pay the surgery fee before the surgery starts”. Lester’s mind goes blurry. His daughters start to cough more frequently. Blood drips from her mouth drops on the ground. Her face becomes paler each time she coughs. Soon, she closed her eyes, the curve on the life vital machine becomes a straight line. Lester holds his crying wife with no sound. 

On the second day, Lester is listless. He wants to revenge, but he knows that he is not powerful to stand up against the regime. There is no meaning for his life now. Lester attaches the rope to the ceiling and robust as possible. He moves the chair and steps on it, knowing when he lifts his feet, he will be free from this despairing world. Suddenly, an image of “ The Manifesto of the Brotherhood” appears on the screen. The book is like a candle, igniting this cruel world. He immediately realizes the person in the room could be a member of The Brotherhood, a secret society that is trying to overthrow the government. He realizes this could be a chance for him to revenge for his daughter.  He records the footage and takes a deep breath. He checked the room number, it is 666. He has to go downstairs for that. The 6 floor seems to be hotter than other floors. Soon, he reached room 666. He knocks on the door with hesitation, not sure what to say or to do. This is the first time he ever blackmails someone. His pulse accelerates as the sound of the footstep becomes louder and louder. Sweat course from his hair, making a stain on his shirt. The door opens. The person glares at him and speaks: “ Who are you looking for?” “Well, I am the regulator of this building, and I have just seen some pretty interesting thing in your room.” The man immediately strangles him. Lester’s mind starts to get blurry. The time becomes slower. He wants to stop struggling and embrace death. Suddenly, he remembers.  he is here to revenge for his daughter. Regardless of the lack of air, he speaks: “ I already record your infraction, 

If you kill me, the video will be sent to the department of Justification tomorrow morning”. The man lets go of him. Lester sits on the ground on gasps. “ What do you want?” The man asks, “ I want to join the brotherhood to revenge for my daughter”.     

The man brings him to a deserted alley with a lot of graffiti on the wall. The man drags a handle on the wall. Lester is awestruck by the technique they use to disguise the door. The man brings him to a room pale, middle-aged man. He is so thin that seems the wind could blow him away. The man speaks: “Hello, Josh, nice to see you arrived so early for our meeting today, and this is?” The man response: “This is the superintend of my apartment. He wants to join the Brotherhood because his daughter died because the doctors refuse to start the surgery before he pays any money.” “I am sorry for your loss, and what is your name?” “My name is Lester”. “Well, you have to complete missions provided by the brotherhood in order to stay in this secret society. Your first mission assassinates James Brown with Josh. He dwells in The Patriot’s apartment. You will get a copy of Brotherhood Manifesto.” Octovian points to the door to Lester. Lester knows that it is better for him to leave. 

             After he goes back to the apartment, he starts to make observations of James’s schedule. He usually leaves at 8 AM, back at 6 PM. Nonetheless, on Wednesday night, he usually returns at 3 AM. Lester decides that the best time to kill James is on his way home on Wednesday. Lester realizes the best way to kill James is to sabotage him. At 2’o clock, Wednesday night.  He silently approaches James Brown and stapped him. Seeing blood coming out from the body, Lester’s hands shake, he can’t believe what he has done. Instantly, an acrid liquid arises from his stomach, and a yellowish substance comes out from his mouth. Dropps on the body of James. He sits down, trying to recover from the fact that he murders a person. Soon, Josh reaches the alley as well. Josh assists him to handle the body, clean up the bloodstain, and clean himself.  As time passes by, he starts to get less nauseous after he murders people.       

After that, Josh and Lester are called to a meeting by Brotherhood. Octovian starts speaking to all the people in the room: “ Due to all of your contribution and hard work, our plan to overthrow the government is possible now. A few days later, we will assassinate the leader!” Crowds cheers, “ We will be divided into 8 different units. During the time when guards end their shift, we sneak in and kill the leader!”

A week later, Lester gathers with his group. It is early morning. Approximately Four AM. The sun hasn’t arouse from the horizontal yet. Everything seems to be in ebony. Lester has disguised himself as the driver of the food delivering truck. The rest of the people in the unit is hidden inside the back trunk. Few guards approach the truck and said:” Sir, please open the truck.” Lester feels excited, he knows that the situation is as same as they predicted. Lester speaks as to how they practice in the drill: “ Sir, this truck is locked by my administrator. The only one that has the key for this truck is lieutenant Rivendell.” “ Well, lieutenant Rivendell has given us the key before he left, so we could open the truck”. Sweat flows from Lester’s head. “ The soldiers shouldn’t have the key by now, we are betrayed.” Lester thinks, “ I need to escape”. In the instance that the soldier opens the trunk, Lester flees from the truck. Soon, he reaches the headquarter of The Brotherhood. He heard voices inside the headquarter. He enters the headquarter without a thought. Octovian is talking to the leader. “ How dare you, Octavian, how dare you betray us?” Don’t you get it, it is impossible to overthrow the government.” Rage comes out from his heart, an imperious idea forms in his head, the craziest he has ever thought. He pulls out the gun from his pocket, and he pushes the trigger as hard as possible. Time becomes slower,  the orbit of the seems to be perfect, the bullet enters the leader’s forehead. Blood gush from the center of his head. The soldiers beside the leader press him on the ground, using the stick to beats him. Lester laugh, laugh and laugh. The pain doesn’t matter to him anymore, he achieved his goal. He revenges for his daughter. Glee fills his heart, how can a man be happier? 

I did this in the mid-term of quarter 2. The teacher assigns us a short story to write about. When I was preparing it, my goals are to diminish my grammatical errors and able to build an interesting story( apparently).   As an international student, this is the first time I have ever written something that is this long. Also, I got 90% for this project. At first, I couldn’t come upw ith a theme for this story. Mr. Faulks assisted me to come up with a theme.  Then, I am having trouble using detailed descriptions. Then I use the dictionary to come up with vivid words that could help me creates imagery in the story.  If I am going to do it again in the future, I would check the work more closely to find out all grammatical errors and focus on each part of the story, and filled it with detailed descriptions and makes it more vivid in general.            





Reflection 1

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