my goals for this year

November 5, 2024

goals with family and friends

one of my goals related to family and friends would be to hang out more, I feel like I’m always up in my room watching tv or on a call with my friends but I don’t usually go out places with them and I feel like it would be fun to hang out a lot more with both my family and my friends.


goals for my education

my educational goals would be to try and motivate myself to go to school and learn as much as I can, I would also like to be more productive and finish my homework as soon as I get home and have the rest of the day to relax and do what I want.


goals for my health

one of my biggest goals for my health is to go to the gym more often as it makes me feel better in general, along with that I want to start eating more nutritious food with well-balanced ingredients. another goal would be to drink more water and get 2.7 litres a day as I should be.



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