reflection 2
February 26, 2025
my reflection for first semester
i can communicate well in group settings and listen to what others have to say and give my own opinion and ideas. i can communicate with teachers when i dont understand something or i am struggling with a assigment. when doing group assigments i pitch in and dont just leave the work for others.
i can generate ideas as i am a creative person but when im stuck i also take insperation from others. i will usually look up ideas and take little bits that i like from different ones and put them together to creat my own idea.
i can ask questions when i am confused on curious to my teachers or other classmates/friends, i will try new things to find out what i like better and i can set glass goals to try my best and follow them.
personal and social
i understand my cultrue and practice cutural things, i know my worth and what i belive in and that others can have thier own opinoin.
when i make improvement i celebrate the big and small things, any anything that u feel i have encomplished. when i set goals i always try my best to reach them, and i try tp set reasonable goals. i always try to have a strong and positive relationship with everyone and will accept anyone for who they are, i always try my best to include and be eqally as nice to everyone.
Goal setting
my goal for semester 2 would be to be more motivated to go to school and to hand in my assigments on time. id also like to be more social and to make new friends, which i think i have really improved on since the start of semester 1.