My Plan for Screen Time

Health ·        I will commit 2 hours and 40 minutes/week to focus on my health ·        This time is made up of two sessions of 50-minute taekwondo classes on Monday and Tuesday evenings and 1 hour on Sunday dedicated to walking with my mother Education ·        I will commit 2 hours and 45 minutes/week to … [Read more…]

Digital Footprint – Domics by Aaron Torillo

Digital Footprint – Domics by Aaron Torillo Domics is a rather famous YouTuber, therefore, his digital footprint is quite significant and interesting. The presentation includes the size such as the amount of social platforms he has, the protections such as what he keeps private, and what he wants us to know. Does he overshare? Only … [Read more…]

Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year

1. Family and Friends A. I would like to be more communicative with my family by not using electronics or other items when not recommended or mandatory such as family meals, vacations, and more by next semester. I chose this goal because according to society, soon I will have to live independently separate from family, … [Read more…]