my plan for screen time

Health   3 hours per week

  • go skateboarding at least an hour per week
  • make sure to eat some greens in every meal
  • take a 15 minute stroll outside every day

Education    6 hours per week

  • study class notes for an hour every day after school
  • finish homework for that day
  • study for test or quiz two days before

Social bonds    6 hours per week

  • join friends for lunch in school
  • have a board game night with family on weekends

Stopping rules:

in class

  • turn off notifications
  • put the phone in the school bag unless instructed to use


  • set alarms every hour to take a five minute break for some water
  • turn off phone completely after 12 pm


Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year

  1. i hope i can get at least 80% in all 4 subjects since i used to be barely passing back in my old school

2. actually read a few physical books and not drop them half way through reading.i have far too many unfinished books and i still don’t feel like continuing it

3. stop procrastinating on homework finish the unfinish and get the new homework over with

4. eat healthier at least add a bit of green in each meal

5. actually try to build the habit of studying even if its just looking over the notes

6. try to contact friends at least once every 2 days cause man i am terrible at keeping contact

7.  stop eating the same food everyday try new things and expend the menu

8. take breaks in-between using the phone my eyes are going to be trashed at this point maybe 5 minute break every hour

9. stop being so lazy and take a stroll outside every day and walking to school doesn’t count