Category: Grade 9
Grade 9 DL: Using AI Effectively
Reflection 1: My Goal For This Year!
For the upcoming year I want to try and push myself out of my shell and try to make new friends so that I can have a bit of a fresh start for this year. The reason I want to do this is because I felt that last year I wasn’t as productive with my current friend group, so know that I know how friends can affect your work ethics I will start to make more smart decisions. Of course I will still talk, play, and hangout with my other friends but I just want to experiment this semester. My goal is to make at least 10 new friends in either grades so I can get to know other kids who came from various middle schools, the way I can achieve this is by going to more school activities like groups and sports, I have also been trying my best to be as social as I can without trying to be a disruption, cause if they aren’t going to introduce themselves first than I should cause you never know when if that person is just like you.❁
Throughout this year I want to be more active with my family. ( not just including the ones I live with) I want to try hangout more with my sister since I feel that family is one of thee most important things someone could have, and by having a good bond with your family you have a way better life. Me and my sister have already planned some activities during the upcoming winter like snowboarding, skiing, and vacations with my whole family. ❁
Lastly I want to also do more hangouts with my new/old friends since I feel that the sheer workload we get in high school will start to drift us apart more and more. Since September most if not all of my friends and I have hangout with each other, and I feel that those hang outs brought us together which lead to a healthy bond. I’m not to sure on a goal off my head, but maybe something like. I Want to try and have different times of hangouts instead of going to one place like we always do( the mall) with this I want to have at least 7 new hangout spots just so we don’t get bored by going to the same place over and over.❁
Seeing the difference in high school circular to middle circular, I also see how important your high school experience is in both your extracurricular and academic skills, so I want to try and get my grades as high as I can, (hopefully in extending/A) but more specifically in science. This semester I want to always try 100% in every assignment I get. A strategy for this is studying everyday, not a lot just 1 hour to try and maximize study habits, since study for too long just makes he forget it. So I will ry my best to study almost everyday and always give 100% on all my work, I will also need slacking and doing my work before the very last second so my solving this I will always do a bit of my homework when I get it, wether it is in school or at home just be a little bit productive.❁
Next I want to try and work on my study habits, so I would need to lower the amount of time I play games and increase my study time. To achieve this I would need to start using different ways to study to find one that helps me the most, I’ve start experimenting on ways that will help me study, not just in terms of how long I study for, but for how efficiently I can study. Right now I am using plain studying by reading my notes, reviewing questions, and making practise questions myself. I dont think this is helping that much so im trying to figure out what to instead in replacement of this. ❁
lastly, i need to get better at organizing my work including: worksheets, my handwriting, and how to organize my words so it isn’t just random words. To achieve this I would first need to get a binder/duotang for each subjects/classes. I hav a duotang for science and Spanish, but im still missing on for my math class. ( hopefully it would be resolved before I get this assignment back) to improve my handwriting I have been practising rewriting some articles/stories on a blank sheet of paper. Another reason on my bad handwriting is the fact that I when I get nervous or like hyperactive I start to rush my work which then results in my bad handwriting. Im not too sure on a specific way to improve this other than relaxing, taking my time, and maybe taking some breaks just to clear out my mind.❁
During the summer break I didn’t do that much exercising than I wished I did. The main reason I wanted to be more active is because I did a 6km in 45 minutes, I felt that wasn’t my best, it also showed me where my endurance level is so I felt targeted that I had to improve this time. I haven’t don’t a full 6km yet so Im not too sure on how much I did improve. My goal is to run the 6km in around 28-34 minutes AT MOST, to achieve this I have been practising at the gym on the treedmeal just to try and improve my endurance and stamina. I go there 1-2 a week but i’m starting to go there 2-4 times a week which is a crazy difference. I want to achieve this by the end of a semester so around late December or maybe early January.❁
Next I want to try and improve my diet, since I have noticed how much what you eat can affect your everyday life. I mostly don’t eat the healthiest foods, which I can see how much it affects my sleep, energy, mood, and skin. My goal is to try and cut off most if not all sugars/artificial foods( junk food) for around a month to see how much it can impact me. I started this goal during mid September and I can already see the drastic changes it gives to my mood, energy, and even my work productivity. The way I hav been trying to achieve this goal is by making foods with mostly high protein/ high-ish amounts of calories since I still am I growing child I don’t want it to stunt my growth. After I stop to grow I’ll start going to the gym so that I can be the best version of me; physically and mentally.❁
Lastly, and probably thee most important one is: lower screen time. I never really felt the effect that a high screen time can give to your everyday life until now. since I am in high school I have dealt with a. drastic amount of work compared to middle school which shows me that I need to lock in for these 3 years but something Is blocking me from locking in. what is it????? SCREEN TIME, I’m going to be honest and say that my screen time is horrendous. Some days it’s 4 hours and some it’s 9 whole hours. A goal I have set myself is to get an average screen time of LESS than 5 hours ( excluding work on my laptop). Sadly this is one of the goals that I haven’t really been striving to the best, but now that I have been in high school for a couple of months I see that I need to turn that around right away. To achieve this I have set myself a certain amount of time limit which varies on weekends, holidays, etc of at most 5 hours, ( 3 for weekdays) yes I know this is still very poor but we all start somewhere. It’s better to take a slow so you can adapt to it than rather rushing it all at once to get it over with.❁
Also with all of these goals I have hoped them all to be either finished or almost done by first few weeks of NEXT semester.