Family and Friends. 


A goal of mine this semester is to spend more time with my family. on most days I either coop myself up in my room, or am out of the house, so I don’t spend as much time with them as I should. I can achieve this goal by choosing my family over my other activities, I can play a board game with them instead of doing something on my computer, I can also set aside days to just be entirely with my family.  



The goal I have given myself this semester is to make at least one friend in every class. Friends are an important part of my life; therefore, I think it’s important to make new friends. I can achieve this goal by choosing a different partner for each new activity, by talking to people during lunch, by getting to know most people in my classes with similar interests and reconnecting with old peers. 





This year I want to start helping out my mom with house chores, I can see that she spends a large chunk of her time cleaning, cooking, and taking care of my family, and I see that she works extremely hard, So I want to aid my mother in several chores to take a load off her back. I can achieve this goal by helping my mom cook dinner, this can save time, and bring us closer together. I can also make more of an effort to clean something up instead of leaving it out for my mom to do. 







I am giving myself the goal to go outside more. During the summer I was really active, I went outside a lot, and loved that, therefore even with school, I want to continue playing outside as much. I will achieve this goal by setting aside specific times for me to be able to go outside, I can use this time to rollerblade around my neighborhood, jump on my trampoline, and do much more. 



I am giving myself the goal to try harder at waterpolo. I have recently moved up age groups in my waterpolo club, therefore I must now train, and work harder to reach my fellow teammates’ level. I can achieve this goal by not skipping practices, going above and beyond when training, and doing my best in scrimmages. 




This semester I am giving myself the goal to join an after-school athletics club. I believe that joining one will make me active and give me the opportunity to make new friends. I can achieve this goal by joining a club that corresponds to one of my favorite sports.  



1) With me being in a new school, it means I have a new learning system. I believe that Learning is especially important and must be excelled at. I will put as much effort as possible to adapt to my new learning system. I will achieve this goal by studying regularly, doing homework, asking questions when needed, and taking my time to understand all my learning. 



This semester I have made myself the goal to do my best to manage my school, social, and personal life. Managing time is a very crucial part of school, having a balance between homework, and hobby’s may be difficult to achieve, and my approach to achieving it is by, setting specific time slots for hobbies and breaks, not putting important things to the last minute, and doing work before entertainment. 




I have given myself the goal of expanding my knowledge of game development. Game development is my hobby, and I want to expand on it to create my own world for people to adventure through, and playthrough. I can expand my knowledge by taking courses on Udemy about certain topics like programming, or watch YouTube videos to help me draw characters, I can also challenge myself by taking part in game jams. 

Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year

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