Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year

With friends and family my goal is to make good memories. With friends, my goal this year is to make at least 3 new friends that I have common classes with. My goal for family is to spend more time with them by going places with them. In general I’d like to be more kind and compassionate to people.

One of my long term goals this year for education is to raise my hand more in class, when a question is being asked, or a classroom discussion. Another goal of mine is to have my own opinion on things and be able to share it more. Lastly my goal is to always try my best on assignments, tests and homework by not procrastinating and studying.

In terms of heath one of my goals to be heather is to get more sleep by going to sleep earlier than I usually do. The second goal that I want to achieve is to more athletic by joining a sport and trying my best in PE. Lastly to be healthier my goal is to eat more healthy foods I could achieve this goal by bringing a heathy lunch to school everyday.

These are my goals because I believe that  some of these goals are what I need to achieve to be ready for grade 10 next year.