Hello, in this blog I will be talking about goals I have and would like to achieve this month, next semester and in this grade 9 year!
Family and friends
A goal I have for this following month that I would like to achieve around my family and friends are, to try to meet new people in my school and make better connections with my friends. What I mean by that is I would like to communicate with people I haven’t talked to before and and make better connections with those people and likely by the end of this month I will know most of my classmates in each class. To reach this goal I would like to express my communication skills and work on them so that next time I meet someone new it will be easier for me to talk to them.
Secondly, a goal I would like to achieve by next semester is to make time to spend time with my family. With the new school year starting, sometimes things like homework and assignments can take up time after school and that can affect on how I’m spending time with my family, so to reach this goal I would like to use my classwork more effectively and ask for help when I need it so that when I arrive home I will have less homework or even better nothing at all, and that will allow me to spend quality time with my family. This goal may take some time to achieve so that is why I am giving myself a full semester (about 3-4 months) to achieve this goal.
Lastly, a goal I want to achieve by the end of 9th grade is my networking skills. This means that I would like to expand the amount of people I know and meet new people over the year. This is because since I have different classes in 2nd semester and there will be new people I wouldn’t know. This would give me an opportunity to meet people in both semester and make friends. This goal would take me over a year to accomplish and while trying to accomplish this goal in the middle of the year I will always try to communicate as much as I can and talk to new people.
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My first goal I would like to achieve in my education this following month is to get used to the work load I get in school and how I deal with it. This means that I would like to make the work I get in school as easy as possible to do and have and organized schedule to do my work. I plan to achieve this goal by prioritizing what I need to do the most and working in small chunks. When doing my school work I will ask myself what is more important to do at the moment and how could I use my time effectively so that I wouldn’t be burnt out. Working in small chunks or splitting up my work has helped me a lot in the past and is the strategy I would like to use to achieve this goal. It helped me feel accomplished when I finished a little part of my work knowing I am getting closer to finishing my work. This goal will take me about a month to accomplish since it is not a goal that takes up to much time to pick up.
Moreover, my next goal I would like to accomplish by the end of this semester is to exceed in my current subjects and get good grades. By that I don’t mean to get good grades and that’s it, what I mean is I would want to get good grades and at the same learn something out of it and not just memorize it and forget about it later. I plan on doing that by being present in class, what I mean by that is not being present just physically but also mentally. Sometimes there were times when I was physically present in class but not mentally and at the end I would leave knowing I didn’t listen to what the teacher was saying. It would also help to achieve this goal if I do things like take notes in class and be an active listener which helps me to understand the concept of what we are learning and later on help me on things like tests and quizzes. This goal will take me about the first semester or school to achieve since the results will be seen by then.
Finally, my goal in education for the year is to be as organized as possible. This means that I would like to keep my work neat and organized and knowing what to do when I have lot’s of work. A lot of the times in the past I found myself being overwhelmed or burnt out with the work load I was getting, and the reason for that was because I wasn’t as organized and I didn’t have some kind of guide to help me get through my work as effectively and easy as right now. At this moment I know how to stay more organized and neat, but my only problem is that I sometimes may forget to follow that or even say that I can memorize it all when I really can’t and will forget about it later. Some things I am planning to do to keep my organization skills up and being neat is to start using a planner or reminder to help me get through my school work because that way I would know what to do without feeling lost. I am also planning on working on my school work in small chunks so that I don’t do it all at once and get exhausted. This goal will take me about a year to accomplish since it would need to take me some time to make myself do something and not just procrastinate and hopefully improve that skill in the upcoming year.
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A goal I would like to accomplish by this following month on myself and my health is to try and hydrated myself more during anytime of the day and make sure I am getting enough food in my body. What I mean by that is that I would like to drink as much as water I can during classes and outside of school because a lot of the times I find myself being tired quickly or just drained at the end of the day, and that is because I am not fueling myself with food and fluids. I am planning to reach this goal my having my water bottle out on my desk as much as possible to remind me to drink water and stay hydrated as well as keeping snacks in my backpack to keep me full throughout the day and having energy to do schoolwork and other stuff. This goal would take me about a year to accomplish because I usually pick up habits really fast especially if I do them daily and very often so this goal would take me about a month to catch up to and keep doing.
Secondly, a goal I would like to accomplish by the end of this years semester is to be able to participate as much as possible in my gym activities and stay very active during that time. What I mean by that is that I would like to be as physically active in gym class by participating in sports and fitness and contributing with others with that. Being physically active and participating in my gym class is good for me because I get to be psychically fit and healthy because during the day I don’t do much at home or at school where I sit and just listen, and the gym is a great way to just make me move and move my body physically. This goal would take me about a semester worth of time because I do have gym in first semester and is an accomplishable goal that can be done easily and doesn’t take much strength or hard work to accomplish and is very accessible to me since I am in school most of the time.
Lastly, a health goal I have for the whole year is to be mentally healthy overall even when there is lot’s of pressure or work that has to be done. By this I mean is that I whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or just mentally tired I am going to try to do everything to make myself feel a bit better and being able to get up and going as fast as possible because if I was not mentally ok then I would feel very overwhelmed every time and feel like everything is just too much when in reality it actually is probably not. I am planning on reaching that goal by taking frequent breaks or even walking outside to clear my mind and give me some time to forget about everything so that I wouldn’t feel stressed and burnt out. Things that can also help with that is to try and sleep more since it does really help me to feel better and more clearer and I just do my work and other things better when I sleep more. This goal would take me about a year to accomplish because I never know when I am going to feel stressed and when I do I would try to do the most to get up and going as soon as possible.
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