About Me 🙂

Hola, My name is Aeron, and i am currently in Grade 9. I little more about myself, surprisingly I don’t really do any type of sport activity, I mostly focus my interest in Guitar, and the music industry. I found it to be my hobby and do it for a living (a little too much if you ask me)

One of my favourite quotes I’ve always stored in my head that really hits me and presents true meaning, goes like this – (There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.) That just shows the true meaning of life, where you cant get anything through a short cut and out of greed and selfishness, but to actually work to get that success.

I’m always checking of how i spend my time and seeing if its actually efficient and useful for the future, like i use to be a person who daily 24/7 who sits behind a screen and play video games all day for entertainment. But now I’ve came to the conclusion that all of it is not even real, and just costs you time and energy. So i completely changed that,, I’ve started working in Tim Hortons last year (2018), I’ve started trying to pick out my hobbies, and that’s what led me to find my interest in guitar, it was hard finding it, but I’m so grateful I’ve made it here.