my partner for this linking assignments project is julian. in his bag it contained items such as, airpods a bottle and more items. this first time that i can make a connection to is his water bottle and how he mentions that he goes to the gym throigh out the week. however, i don’t go to the actual gym but i do go to the basketball gym and those two still go together because they are both forms of working out and staying active. my first connection is that we are both active and athletic guys. he also has a laptop that he carrie’s daily  in his bag and uses it for work, school and other things. i think it’s always important to carry something like a laptop in our bag because we are all students. What i know about Julian is that he likes to keep things simple and not too complicated. He really just carries the things he need in his every day agenda and uses them at the appropriate time. I’m glad that’s i chose Julian as my partner he taught me a bit more on how to navigate through my website and how to make it more appealing.


The reason i chose Julian to do this project with me was because i knew him a while back from middle school. We were never close, but i always knew him, so I thought it would be nice to choose him as my partner just to catch up on things together because we haven’t talked in a while. me and Julian than had a brief conversation on the project and also on some other things outside of this school project. Another connection i have with Julian is that he likes listening to music and carries a par of AirPods in his bag. This also goes with me because i love music as well we talked about each others playlist and the  different music taste that we both have. One difference is that he carries them in his bag and i prefer them always in my pocket.

linking assignments #1

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