Welcome to your brand new Pinetree Blog. This site is a place where you can share aspects of your learning journey over the next four years. Nearly every aspect of this site can be customized to match your own personal style and preference.
To customize the look of your site, click on the Customize button at the top of the screen. For instructions on how to customize aspects of the site, click here.
First, start by personalizing the About Me page of the site. To do this, go to the About Me page and look for the ‘edit’ button to open the editor view. Once you have changed it to your satisfaction, push ‘Update’ at the right to publish your changes.
Lastly, once you’re ready to start making content of your own, edit THIS page (HOME) and customize the welcome message visitors will see when accessing your site. Or you can ‘Move to Trash’ to delete it.
Happy blogging!
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