February 17

Reflections 2- My First Semester ♠

I always listen when someone is speaking.
I understand information given to me by other people in anyway.
I can find info when I need it and always keep notes
I always participate in group activities and I am capable of finding my own group.
I share my ideas with the class.
I try to resolve any conflict and challenges.
Creative thinking
I can get ideas from my group and incorporate them with my own ideas.
I can choose something quickly.
I can make my own ideas and original ideas.
Critical Thinking
I can easily grab and retain information given to me.
I can establish goals and connect my learning
Personal And Social
I understand that who I am comes from my culture.
I can justify what I think is right and what is wrong.
I can show others that what I can do
Personal Awareness
I celebrate my work and success and I can ask for help whenever I need it.
I can set attainable goals that I can actually reach and not ones that will be impossible.
I take responsibility for whatever I do.
Social awareness
I am always a positive person in my class and community.
I always try to resolve any social issues such as racism towards my race.
I can protect my basic rights from racist people.
I have a positive relationship.
Goal setting
I have a few goals. I am going to try to focus more on studies because I never study for anything.
I would like to improve on math but that’s for next year
I’ve learned that studying is very important

Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT
December 8

Digital Footprint

The Youtuber I am going to talk about it “Kelvingts”

  1. Kelvin’s Digital footprint is quite large because he posts at least 2-3 a week. He has one main social media account, @Kelvingts7.  He posts a lot of personal posts such as his dog what he does, and his girlfriend. He makes videos on popular video games.
  2. his account is public to everyone, he had an issue with losing his social media account but got it back a while after, he reveals some personal information,
  3. when Kelvin posts he shows small parts of his house, he often posts his location when he goes outside or goes to eat. He sometimes posts his information tags sometimes.
  4. I think Kelvin over shares a lot because he reveals his personal information.
  5. I would tell him to not post stuff about his personal life such as his dog, he showed everyone his face and everything about him. I would also tell him to not to post about where he goes to eat or places he goes.
Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 12

Reflection 1 goal setting

Family And Friends goals.

my first goal for family and friends, is spending time with family, i can achieve that by finishing work quickly and spending time with family.

my second one is, not lying about homework. I have a bad habit of finishing work at the last minute, by telling my family that i do not have homework, i will try to be honest with them.

my third one is, spending kore time with friends, i usually have too much work so i cant hangout with my friends much, i will do this by finishing work in class and spending time with them on the weekend.

my last one is, chose good friends, since i have entered high school i need to pick my friends more carefully, because some people are not good influences.


education goals.


my first goal for my education is. staying on task, I need to stay on task more so I can focus better on homework. I can try to do this by not getting distracted by other stuff.

my second one is, be more creative, i will do this by thinking more on what i do.

my third one is, manage my time more, i can do this by organizing my schedule and putting more time on important stuff.

my last one is, build a good study habit, i usually do not like studying which is really bad, i will try to study by organizing some time to study.


health goals.


my first goal for health is. trying to sleep more, i usually stay up to 11-1am, i will try to not use my phone 30 minutes before sleeping time.

my second one is. eat healthy diet, i sometimes eat junk food which is unhealthy, i will try to eat more vegetables.

my third one is, maintain a cheerful mood, i can sometimes be pretty dull at times, i will do this by having a more cheerful outlook on my life.

my last one is, getting enough exercise, i will do this by setting some time into my physical health, and do exercises that benefit my health. 

Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 13


Family and friend’s goal. 

I want to spend more time with family.  

because I feel like I don’t spend enough 

time with them. I want to be honest with  

my family. because its good to be honest 

with family. And my last goal for family  

and friends is to visit my family outside of Canada 

at least once a year. My goals for education 

I want to always think positive and to stay focused, 

this is really important. Build good studying habits. 

I want to do this because it is good to have a good habit of studying. 

I want to manage my time carefully it is very important to manage time 

in school. My health goals, are to have at least 8 hours of sleep everyday, 

because it is important to have enough sleep. Get a good amount of exercise  

everyday, it is important to keep your body active. Always be cheerful and hopeful 

about life. it is good to have a positive view on life. 


Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT