- my friends and family goal is to, stay in touch with my family back home. The way i’m going to meet that goal is to set up calls with my individual family members. My goal is to try and attempt to call them when I can and try to text them and start a conversation. It’s quite hard due to the almost 15 hour time zone so while we are asleep they are awake are active then in the morning its the opposite.
- my education goal is too improve in my grades and get my homework in on time, I struggled with this in middle school. As I would get it in a week or two later, as I would have no motivation. I am going to actually try this year and motivate myself, I will use my dad and sister as modivation.
- my health goal is to fix my sleep schedule and get some more sleep, I intend to get an average of 4 hours of sleep a day/night. The way I am planning on achieving this goal is to start having a routine where I am in bed at certain hours. I usually wake up around the time of 6:30am, I usually sleep around 1:30-2am. So now I will attempt to sleep around 11:30-12 I will keep on working up to my goal until I fully meet it.
reflection 1- My goals for this year.