Hi, name is Alex, and my hobbies are basketball, reading, video games, watching TV, etc. My goals are to get in UBC and either become an accountant or a businessman.

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” -Aristotle.

I like this quote because this person is optimistic and is always looking on the good side instead of focusing on the bad side.

This is a movie trailer of USA’s revenge against Japan after the events of Pearl Harbor. I choose this video because it shows that during USA’s darkest times, they still fought valiantly against an entire fleet of Japanese battleships and aircraft carriers. They fought, no matter the amount of soldiers nor battleships that Japan had. Only a limited amount of US planes fought in the battle and yet still won against a massive army.

This is my dog Benny, and the reason why I chose this photo is because  he looks very smart with the glasses on. (P.S, he doesn’t actually wear glasses lol)


I use this link the most because it’s useful for any kind of questions and videos for entertainment. It’s one of the biggest and most popular apps in the world.