Hi! I am Alice, and I am a new student to Pinetree. I like movies and books. I often watch movies from Netflix in my spare time. If I don’t have a device, I like to read books. I like movies and books, because it is fun when I become the character in the book and feel what they feel and confront the story they have. My favorite genre of movies and books are fiction, specifically sci-fi and fantasy. That’s why my favorite movie and book series is Harry Potter. I am a fan of Harry potter. I am also interested in animals. I want a golden retriever when I grow up. My biggest life goal is to go to Oxford University and be a scientist, because I like science very much (as you know, one of my favorite genre of movies and books are Sci-fi). I am reading lots of science books to achieve my dreams.


Time is money.

This is my favorite quote, because it tells the importance of time. It helps me concentrate  when I become lazy or exhausted. It gives me many good lessons, such as today comes only once, and never comes back.

This is my favorite video, because I like music. Disney music is good for concentration, and it recalls memories when I was young. I listen to this in my spare time or when I am doing some work.


얼굴을 소재로한 착시그림 [동두천미술학원] : 네이버 블로그

I think this image is interesting. It is an optical illusion image. It can look like two human faces or it can also look like a long porcelain cup. It is interesting that what my eye see might not be the only truth.



This is a link I visit often. It is an useful website when I have a quiz or a test. I like it because there are many functions, such as mini quiz and flashcard. I can print it out, so I can also have it in paper.

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