About Me

Hello, my name is Alice, and I am a Pinetree Secondary School freshman. Eating meals, talking, playing sports, shopping, and watching Netflix are some of my favourite pastimes. I’m highly talkative, outgoing, loud, and confident, according to certain descriptions of my personality. Being irresponsible, pineapples, and clowns are all things I despise.

“You must tell yourself, No matter how hard it is, Or how hard it gets, I’m going to make it”. I believe this quote is important to me because it inspires to not to give up but to succeed.

I chose this video because I love animals especially fluffy baby animals. This video gives me a comfort and joy. Whenever I look at animals, the busy world filled with stress seems to be gone and be peaceful.

This snapshot of a globe with well-known tourist destinations promotes travel, thus I chose it. One of my favourite pastimes is travelling. Exploring various traditions and civilizations when travelling allows me to learn about them. It also gives me the opportunity to spend time with my family.


I chose this link because watching variety of shows or movies gives me satisfaction and allows me to take a break from society. There are many options to choose from Netflix depending on the current mood.


Thank you reading my “about me” 🙂