Hi, My name is Allen. As of writing this blog, I am 14 years old. This is my first year in high school. In my spare time, I like to watch anime and YouTube. I also like to build models and play a bit of badminton. My goal is to graduate high school in one piece. This includes keeping all my limbs because my parents described high school as a living hell so, I’m keeping my goals high.
“Forget the failures, keep the lessons”- Dalai Lama
This is my favourite quote because I searched up cool quotes and this one was the coolest. This quote is also important to me because it reminds me to learn from my failures but don’t let them hold me down.
My favourite video This is my favourite video simply because it’s the best. If you don’t believe me click on it to see for yourself.
The website that I use the most is Youtube. I use Youtube a lot in my spare time when I am bored to watch videos, or sometimes for some research for a project.