Hi my name is Alyssa, I am a student at a secondary school working hard to achieve my goal of succeeding in high school and living a life with spare time to continue my artistic hobbies! During my spare time I love to draw and paint, I prefer to paint backgrounds that pop with colour or paintings with a soft tone. I Draw things that are special to me and the things I like, I love to draw people, flowers, and backgrounds, and try new art styles. I work best when my workplace is quiet and not distracting, it helps me focus on achieving all of the goals I have planned in Secondary. As a person, I am not very outgoing but I am a person full of curiosities and goals on the inside, I’m looking forward to getting to know new people and friends!



Create a life you can’t wait to wake up to


This quote is very important to me because it has helped me get motivated during my middle school years when I struggled to handle the amount of homework and new things the school would throw at me. The quote was also said by my mom, which made it extra special for me to remember it through my grade 6 years. Hopefully, this quote will stay with me during Secondary too.



I love ASMR videos, listening to them makes me so relaxed and helps me focus more on work. I especially like to listen to slime videos and this ASMR is one of my favourites! Most of the workplaces I try to work in are noisy so I like to use my airpods and listen to these videos, the ASMR also help me sleep whenever I cant during the night.






I have chosen this photo because the colour pallet of the image is very pretty and the drawing or painting of the food is well drawn. I overall love how the image is aesthetically pleasing to look at and how it makes me motivated to draw more.






This links leads to a site where people can post videos, photos, drawings, almost everything and share it online. I love to use this web to look for drawing references, outfit ideas, and colour pallets, basically everything I search comes up on this website. Its access to wide range of information makes it really helpful and useful for me, which causes me to use it frequently and all the time.