โ Reflection 1 – ๐๐ฎ ๐๐ค๐๐ก๐จ ๐๐ค๐ง ๐ฉ๐๐๐จ ๐ฎ๐๐๐ง โ
As this being my first year of highschool, I want to start it off right with some self-improvement goals to further make me productive, and to better my mental health with these few goals that I have set up for myself so I can get through the next few years in a bliss.
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1. I want to mindfully spend more time with my family and grow my bond with each member in my immediate family. Even though we already have a close bond, I want to have more planned out activities with them. This would be achievable by planning out fun adventures to have together more often and to communicate on things I want to try with them.
2. Another goal I have is to find more friends. Entering high school, I can already say I have met many new faces and connected with new people almost right away which encourages me to meet more people. With this goal I want to find new friends and form deep connections with them so I can have some close friend that I can count on throughout high school. I can do this by joining more sports or clubs to be able to talk to more people and to keep up with them with planning hangouts and regularly texting to spend more time getting to know each other.
3. My last goal for this category is to keep in touch with friends and family that i don’t get to see as often. Some of my closest friends from middle school went to another highschool leading to me barley getting to see them. I want to implant more meaningful time to making sure we’re in contact and to even set up times to hangout so we keep our friendship strong since i know how difficult it can be to keep in touch even with all the homework and extracurricular activities. Same2. goes to my family that arent my immediate family. I’m talking about the ones in my home country and in another part of the world. Sadly, I don’t have any other family in Canada, so regular phone calls are a must for us to catch up on eachothers lives.
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1. Even though this is my grade 9 year, my primarily goal for this year is to set up good and effective study habits that work for me. I want my focus and understanding of materials that my teachers give me to answer to drastically improve. Not saying that I have trouble, but with the big plans I have for which university I want get into and my future career, I know that I have to start now with amazing study habits to get my want I want to achieve. I will do this by actively studying daily, experimenting new ways of studying, and regularly challenging myself with memorization.
2. A goal I also want to set more time aside to work on is my organization. Being a student athlete and love being active, being organized in the sense of room or school bag isn’t my biggest pride and glory. With this notion, I will be more mindful on how I put new things away for storage and to force myself to clean my room whenever it gets slightly messy from the amount of cluster being made with my schedule. This will lead me to a better place to come home to and will give me a clean space to study in.ย
3. Following my second goal, I want to take more organized notes and have a better work space. Looking at my notes right now, I can already say that it’s difficult for me to study since it looks like scribbles and random notes with no explanation. With this I find it frustrating for when I have to study, so to fix this issue, I will create a better plan with my note taking for each subject I have and to write down the things that are important rather than random things the teacher says. I will also use colours since i’m more of a visual person and find them more pleasing to look at. With this plan, I’ll successfully make my studying ten time more effective and easier for myself.
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1. A big goal I have for myself is to get better in volleyball. With my new passion and spark for volleyball that came to me over the end of August of 2024, I want determined to get great at this sport and to hopefully play in University or to just play at a competitive level during high school. Whatever does happen, I know that I just want to become the best I can be in volleyball, even if I started late. I’ll achieve this goal of mine to become a better athlete is by practicing my skill daily, getting advice from coaches, and to join club! I’ll also join development programs and personal coaching to get more reps and experience.ย
2.ย My second goal is to keep up my gym routine. I started going to the gym around March 2024 and found it to be the most rewarding thing I’ve done. Not only has it improved my mental health, but it also has many connections with biology and science which intrigues me more since science is my favourite subject. The gym has given me great results within muscles and mobility so I want to keep my routine for going the gym three to four times weekly and to keep growing my muscles since I’ve learned that it’s better starting now than later. My goals for the gym are to grow my lower body, to have better core strength, and even get better at plyometrics for explosiveness that i’ll need for volleyball. And I know this would also help my focus and understand my body better to make me stronger and healthier.
3. My last goal is to spend less time on my phone, as I recognize that it often distracts me from more meaningful activities and interactions. I want to reclaim my time and focus on nurturing relationships, pursuing hobbies, and engaging in activities that bring me joy and fulfillment. By setting specific limits on my screen time and designating phone-free hours each day for about 2 hours, I hope to create a healthier balance in my life. Ultimately, this goal is about enhancing my presence in the moment, whether that means enjoying a good book, going for a walk, or simply having a heartfelt conversation with a friend.
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