Reflection 1 – My Goals for This Year

Family and Friends

  1. If we live far apart, I think it’s easy to grow distant. My first goal is to talk more with my mom. Although we don’t live in the same country, I want to stay close to her. To achieve this, I plan to call her more than three times a week, and I aim for these calls to be long and meaningful so we can truly connect.
  2. My second goal is to get closer to friends who are distant because we attend different schools. To achieve this, I will make plans to meet with my friends at least once a month to maintain our friendship. I would like to talk about everyday things or discuss our schools when we meet. Additionally, staying in touch through group chats or social media will also help.
  3. I think it’s great to make many friends and build closer relationships at school. My third goal is to start more conversations with friends I haven’t talked to much yet and spend more time with them to get closer. Every time I see them at school, I will greet them happily and try to talk more about things we both like, such as hobbies or interests. By doing this often, I hope to build a stronger friendship over time.


  1. I want to get better at solving math word problems. Since middle school, I’ve had difficulty understanding math word problems, but I want to develop my skills by solving more questions. Also, when I take a math class next semester, I will focus on what the teacher teaches and ask questions if there’s anything I don’t understand. I expect that doing these will help improve my math grades.
  2. I think it’s important to do homework in advance and not put it off. I believe that if I do it ahead of time, I can put in more effort and get better results. So, my second goal is to avoid procrastinating and do my homework early. To make this a habit, I will set a time for each assignment as soon as I get it. For example, after school, I will decide what time to do one task and what time to do another. I will also decide which tasks are most important and do them first.
  3. Since my English skills are not perfect yet, I want to improve them. I often face difficulties in all subjects because of the challenges with English. Therefore, I want to improve my English skills as efficiently as possible. To achieve this goal, I will go to the library once a month to borrow more English books, focus more during English class, and put more effort into what we do in class. Also, as my English teacher suggested, I will try to speak as much English as possible with my friends.


  1. Sometimes, I feel that using devices for too long interferes with the tasks I need to do and my sleep time. Therefore, I want to reduce the amount of time I spend on devices. To do this, I will set a screen time limit. Specifically, I will set it so that I use devices for less than 5 hours a day. I will also try to avoid using devices and instead do other activities during that time. For example, I could go outside and hang out with my friends or read a book.
  2. I often don’t get enough sleep and feel tired at school, so I want to build the habit of sleeping for more than 7 hours and going to bed before midnight. To develop this habit, I will avoid using my phone late at night and, instead, write in my journal or do some light stretching during that time. Also, being mindful of not eating stimulating foods at night will help.
  3. My last goal is to have good eating habits. I believe that having good eating habits is very important for mental health, so I want to develop them. To have good eating habits, I will eat three regular meals a day and avoid snacking. Specifically, I will have a light breakfast around 7:30 AM before going to school, eat lunch during lunchtime at school, and then have a nutritious dinner between 6:00 and 7:00 PM after coming home from school. I will try to maintain this pattern regularly.

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