final assignment

Vision Board



I can continue going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I play tennis and I hope that in the next 3 years, I will continue playing and hopefully be a coach. I need to drink more water and eat more fruits to stay hydrated. My current goal is 5-6 cups a day. I need to sleep more I sleep for about 5-7 hours at night and that’s not enough. One of my biggest goals for the future is to schedule my time more efficiently.


It has always been a goal for me to be a lawyer. I’m a huge nerd. My favourite subjects are English due to my love for books and socials since I love history. I also enjoy working with kids I am currently getting honorary pay at my volunteering job at a kids’ Sports camp run by SD43 called MoreSports. But I will be getting a better-paying part-time job in the future. I have high expectations for myself. It is my dream to study law at Yale, but studying at UBC would be fine if I want to be more realistic.


I am an extroverted person. I can make friends almost anywhere I go. It is my goal to be a loyal and selfless friend. I will be there for my friends when they need me and listen to what they have to say. My friends and I go biking, play video games, read, and go shopping on weekends. I’m very happy with my group of friends and hope we will continue being a group in the future.




If I’m not busy blabbing on about random nonsense, I usually have my nose deep in a book. I love books not just reading them, I love how I can sit in libraries for hours and roam around bookshops all day I don’t think anything makes me as happy as books. I love watching movies with my friends and family. Currently, I have been obsessed with going on bike rides with my friends we usually go twice a week and it’s so fun. My family has the biggest impact on my life since I don’t have many family members here in Canada, so I spend the mornings of my weekends calling my cousins. Our 30-minute phone calls are what make my whole week I love my family more than anything in this world.

goals ’22

Reflection 1 – My goals this year!!

Friends/Family goals

  • Improve communication skills with my family by being more aware and kind to all of my family members.
  • Prioritize activities to spend family time together by not only making time for my friends.
  • this year I’m hoping to make more friends by being less shy around people, having my conversations go more smoothly, and generally feeling more confident about myself.


  • One of my main goals this year is to be more organized with my schoolwork by making lots and lots of to-do lists.
  • Strive for excellence by building connections with my teachers and peers and by doing more than what is expected to do.
  • Finding time to relax is very important because overworking yourself isn’t healthy, this year I will practice the 50/10 rule (50 minutes of work followed by a 10-minute break) in order to study effectively.


  • Reading is really good for the health so I will make sure to always have a book on me wherever I go and set reminders to read.\
  • Aiming for 7 to 8 hours of sleep by not staying up and scrolling through social media.
  • Working out at least three days a week either by going to the gym or going on walks with friends!