I have three main goals for this year, helping my family and friends, improving my education, as well as my health.

For my family and friends, I would like to be there for them. My first goal will be to do all the house chores for every day of the week to help out my family like doing the dishes, doing the laundry, and cleaning my room. I chose this goal because I feel like I need to help out more when I’m at home. My second goal will be to always be there for my friends by turning off my Do-not-disturb while I’m not at school. My third and final goal for family and friends will be to show more affection, I will do this by calling my friends to see how they are doing, calling my far away family, and just checking up on them twice a week with no time limit.

For my education, I would like to try to improve my Language Arts skills, I want to get better at writing because I feel like it is a very important part of growing up. I will achieve this by working harder on LA assignments and not rushing it, I can work on it during lunch time for most days when I’m not busy. My second goal for education would be to rush less on the homework I get and even-out my time every day on working on assignments. My third goal for education would be to procrastinate less and study for tests as early as possible, I can do this by studying for 1 hour after school as soon as the teacher says that there is a test.

Lastly, for my health, I want to eat healthier, I feel like I could eat more vegetables, so I will try to stop buying unhealthy food and start buying healthier food, like soups and salads. My second goal will be to exercise more, I am not in a bad shape, but I would like to tone my stomach, I will do planks daily and maybe some other exercise routines. My third goal for health would be to reduce eating sugar every day by not eating cereal.

I really hope to achieve these goals by the end of the school year and will try to stay motivated.

Reflection 1 – My Goals For This Year

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