I believe that the grade I would obtain is an A mainly due to my gradual growth from semester 1 to this semester. I have gone from being a passive member in Leadership events who only follows directions, to an active participant who voices opinions. I have often demonstrated responsibility for things outside of my control and explored alternate ways to account for them. For instance, while I was sick during the packaging stage of Notes and Sweets, I still tried my best to keep up with the event progress on Teams and delivered as many packages as possible to make up for my lack of attendance. Additionally, when I was notified that half of the cultural representatives did not show up on Culture Day, I maintained a positive attitude and pushed through as the MC to keep the audience engaged.


Other than this, I think I have exhibited a great deal of improvement in my communication skills, as I actively sought ways to lend extra help or set things in motion. Such as contacting the other person in the Marketing team for Notes and Sweets to collaborate, or reaching out to the point person to write an announcement script in a limited time for Culture Day. Overall, I have a consistent attendance rate and maintained a high level of professionalism in all events despite this being my only year in the program. As a result, I think my constant devotion to striving to help out and growth illustrated grants me the grade of A.

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