Grade Nine Goals

1. I would like to make more friends in my classes this semester and the next. I would like to be more social and let myself be more out of my comfort zone. I want to be able to have the ability to talk to my peers without being anxious(overthinking), or awkward. I want to befriend more people because I need to improve my social skills to prepare for whats to come in the future (as what Ms. Mobilio said during P.E class).

I want to keep communicating and sharing my thoughts and feelings to my friends while also maintaining a healthy and non toxic relationship with them.

I would also like to communicate with my teachers more often, especially if I am unsure of something. I will try to do this this semester so I can have a better understanding of what I may not be so sure about, and to also have better social and communicating skills.

2. This semester I would like to get good grades in my classes. I would like to have mostly Proficient(if extending I will be very happy). I will try my best to work hard and put all my effort into my work and actually take time to make my assignments as neat and organized as possible, while also having a lot of detail. I especially want good grades in classes I really like (Ahem Japanese).

I would also like to improve my time management skills, and try to be more focused on my projects and homework. I want to try my best to hand everything in on time.

I would also like to partake in more class discussions, raise my hand up to answer in class questions, and to join more clubs and to be a more active member of the school’s community. I want to do this, because I believe joining clubs could lead to improving my social skills. I want to do this so I can get a better grade in my classes for participating in class discussions. I will try to raise my hand up more often (especially in math and English) so I can be more confident in myself in the future.

3. I hope to stay healthy this year. I would also like to exercise more and stay more active by doing energetic activities, such as sports(badminton and tennis) or going on nature walks(walking my dog).

I want to drink more water(because I don’t drink much). Drinking water could give me a healthier diet. I always want to keep hydrated, especially after an energetic exercise, sport, or activity. Staying hydrated is something I would like to think about more in my daily life. If I want to remain healthy I will have to drink lots of water everyday, I shall set a goal to drink 2.7 litres a day (according to google).

I want to sleep earlier on school nights, so I can wake up in the morning fresh as a daisy instead of a zombie. I also want to grow and develop in a healthy way, which means sleeping early, 10;30pm at the minimum. I will try to set a goal of when to sleep, so I can get the perfect 8-10 hours of sleep. (I also want to grow taller, since my parents said if I go to sleep early I can grow.)

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