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Reflection 1

In my English class this semester, we were assigned to write descriptive short stories. Since it was our second largest project given, I was determined to get a good mark on it. I think, by far, this was the most descriptive, unique, creative story I have ever written. This short story took me a week to complete and two days of editing. While writing my short story, my goal was to not only create a descriptive story, but to add more detail by using new vocabulary.
The short story is an example of my hard work and I am proud of it. The reason why I am proud of it is because I managed to cut parts of the story out and that did not affect the plot. I am also proud of my efforts being payed off when I received a good mark on the story.
Since this short story took me almost two weeks to complete, there were many challenges I encountered. One being the fact that I was limited to 2-4 pages, it had to be double spaced, and written in a 12 sized font. As I was in the process of finishing my story I noticed that I had forgotten to use the 12 size font and instead the 10 size font. Fortunately enough, my story was not more than four pages, however I realized that I did not double space my written work. The double spacing affected my written work because it exceeded the amount of pages needed in the criteria. At this point, I needed to shorten my story. Luckily I was successful in writing my descriptive short story or else I would not be here writing about my accomplishment. After a week we were given our marks and I got a perfect score which I was impressed about.
If I had an option to redo my project in the future I would try to include the parts I deleted because there were small details that could have potentially made the story even better. Therefore this would obviously add more to the final product.
Published inGrade 9

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