1.Family & Friends
- I would like to make new friends in my science class
I only have two friends in my science class, and I want to make more.
- I wish to see my relatives and family friends
My relatives and family friends live in South Korea and I rarely visit them. It has been more than 3 years since I last saw them and I would like to see them.
- I want to help my friends in certain subjects
A few of my friends are struggling in certain subjects that I am good at so I wish to help them
- I would like to get all proficient on my report card
I am pretty sure I’m getting all proficient so I have to maintain this grade.
- I want to get one exceeding in one of my subjects
I want to exceed in math specifically because I enjoy doing math.
- Get better at English
I am not the best at English and sometimes mess up when I am writing, typing or talking so to fix that I have to get better at English.
- I want to be outside more
I want to be outside so that I move around more and do exercise. I have to do more exercise because lately I have not gone outside much.
- Being mindful of what I’m eating when I’m eating
I cannot eat to late at night or eat to much junk food or unhealthy food.
- Limit my time on screen
If I am watching something or doing something that makes me look at screens too much than my mental health may turn bad so I have to remember to take breaks in between.