My name is Jinsu. I like playing sports that involve more teamwork and strategy because I can just support and provide ways for my team to do better instead of me having to be good. When I have time I practice piano, I reached a decently high level in piano but am planning to switch instruments. When I grow up I want to have a job that is enjoyable and never regret choosing this as my source of income. During high school I have to learn so that I can achieve this job.

“No matter how good the law is, there will be some parts that are not right.” King Sejong the Great

This quote was said by a famous Korean King who invented Hangul the writing in which the Koreans write. This quote is important to me not only because of my culture but because I made many connections with this quote to many of the books and movies that I watched in my childhood, there was always some kind of connection.

(YouTube does not work on this computer so I can not embed, I copied this from a different device. If this does not work searching Son Heung Min Puskas the first video by FIFA 53 seconds long is what it’s supposed to be.)

The reason I chose this video is because my favourite sport is football or soccer and I am from South Korea. This player is South Korea’s best player and this is the goal he scored to win the Puskas Award which is given to the best goal of the year.

I chose this image because this is a factory that produces blankets that is similar to the one I have been to many times when I was younger. There would be one floor for the design with many sewing machines and a second floor for the stuffing and final touches. The image is an image of the storage area that contains tons of blankets organized in that matter.

In grade 6 my teacher would always play this game during lunch, so I picked up a habit and most days do the daily wordle. I did not have the largest vocabulary range so when I played this game it helped me develop my vocabulary. Right now I am really good at this game and can find the word in probably less than 5 minutes.