My vision board represents all of the following four areas: health, education, relationships, and happiness. Firstly, health is represented with the pictures depicting a squat rack, healthy foods, and sleep. The squat rack represents my goal of hitting the gym more often, healthy foods represents my desire for healthy eating, and the picture with an alarm clock depicts my wish to sleep well. Secondly, education is depicted with pictures of UBC, A+, and a gravel. The gravel represents my interest with dabbling in law, A+ represents my academic goals, and the picture of UBC portrays my wish to pursue post-secondary education. Penultimately, relationships is described with pictures displaying family, friendship, and conversation. Friendship and family is something I hold in high regard, as without them life would be quite dull and colorless. My goal is to maintain my ties with my family and friends through deep or simple conversations- which could lead to doing other fun activities. Lastly, happiness is illustrated with pictures of group conversation, cooking, and videogames. I enjoy to cook and play videogames with my friends, as I find it engaging and relaxing. But where some of my true happiness comes from is interacting and talking with friends, peers, or random strangers- it always brightens my day when I make someone laugh or make a connection with somebody else.