May 30 2024

My First Vision Board

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Being aware of my current mental and physical health, I would want to achieve several more goals that I have visualized in my vision board above. Taking care of my health plays a significant role in my daily life since my bodily functions and even mental capabilities rely heavily on the state of my health. A clear goal that I have set to improve my health is to increase my intake of whole foods, vegetables, fruits and more food in general to provide me with the essential nutrients needed to fuel my body and mind. I aim to consume more whole grains such as oats or brown rice daily – as well as incorporating fruits and vegetables into my meals to ensure that I achieve the consumption of balanced meals. Furthermore, I find that I should work on eating more often and with more high-calorie foods to increase my weight as my current body mass index (BMI) does not fall into the ‘healthy’ range. Doing so would improve my strength and endurance in exercising, such as doing active cardio workouts – which usually leave me quite tired during physical education. With my plan of improving my diet, I also aim to increase the amount of exercise I do daily. Although I already follow an orderly routine of doing pilates each day, I believe that I can still improve in terms of moving my body outside my home, such as taking daily walks or having long runs around the lake. I would also want to work on to avoid pushing my body too hard physically, and so I should listen to my body’s physical cues on when to take a break on some days so that I don’t end up overdoing workouts past my limit. Therefore, I included having a healthy diet, exercising more often outdoors, and letting my body rest when needed as part of my visualized goals to improve my health.



To prioritize my education as a student, I would make sure that the majority of my time is spent well focusing on school work, studying, and being academically productive to build healthy work habits, achieve high semester grades, and have opportunities to enter my dream school. Due to stress and the constant worry of having incoming tests, exams, and presentations, I tend to procrastinate and leave my assignments behind while I continue to worry about how I avoid completing my work. I aim to stop procrastinating by creating a quiet workspace with no distractions, such as putting away my phone and turning off notifications when I settle down to work. Doing this would allow me to submit my work on time and improve the quality of my work so I can be proud of my efforts and hand in something that I completed to the best of my ability. Ever since I was young, I’ve had vivid dreams about entering my dream university, the University of British Columbia, and moving forward toward the biostatistics field or the medical field for my future courses and occupations. To achieve my long gazed dream of attending university by excelling in academics, I will vow to keep my education in order and attain my scholarly goals while building healthy and productive study habits along the way.



For this section of my vision board, I want to strengthen my relationships with my friends and family by attempting to be more outgoing and straying from my comfort zone to try and socialize. As a heavily introverted person, I tend to avoid starting conversations with people I have not yet met – or even with my own friends. I often find that socializing is a tiring task and therefore – I usually only speak when I must. To strengthen my relationships with my friends, I would want to have more conversations with them by exploring their interests in greater detail so that I would be able to begin conversations with them. Other ways I can express that I care about them is to try to listen and be there for them if my friends are feeling upset or having a bad day. Doing this can improve my relationships with my friends and indicate that they matter to me. Then, to improve my relationships with my family, I could share highlights of my school day with my parents around the dinner table more often as well as volunteering to help my parents with housework and chores. Once again, my acts of service for people would express that I care. Therefore, I plan to reinforce my relationships with my friends and family by communicating more often and conveying my appreciation through my acts of service for them.



My personal happiness is attained through reading books, doing art, and reconnecting with nature. My passion for reading books originate from reading hundreds of books during my childhood and the continuous longing to delve deeper into stories that interest me. Recently, I notice that I have been reading less each week due to being busy with my school work. As a result, my happiness levels and mood has worsened and I became more prone to collapsing under stress. I want to continue with my routine of reading books page by page before bed rather than spending time on digital devices prior to sleeping. Similar to my situation about reading books, I want to set aside more time for me to do art. Doing art such as drawing traditionally – or even digitally creates opportunites for me to release pent up emotions and express my ideas, as the possibilities of art is limitless. Additionally, although I initially disliked going outdoors and meeting the blaring sun, I find that being out with nature drastically improves my mood and mental health. I realized how standing in a field of sun dappled grass, quietly watching wildlife, and how letting the ocean breeze flow through my hair was extremely healing and comforting for my body – and at the same time, exhilarating for my mind. On that account, I want to prioritize my happiness besides working on school work all the time by reading a few chapters every night prior to going to bed, increasing the number of times I make and do art to release stress, and spend time healing my anxiety and worries by being out in nature.

Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 23 2024

Digital Footprint

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For this Digital Literacy assignment, I have decided to focus my attention on the popular YouTube vlogger, Saranghoe. Assessing this content creator’s digital footprint and deciding if they are an oversharer on social media, I created a PowerPoint to display my research and conclusions.

Digital Footprint

Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 19 2023

Reflection #1 – My Goals for This Year

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Since I am aiming to achieve a successful school year, I have made a few goals for my first year at Pinetree. In this blog post, I will document and discuss my planned goals for grade 9 to improve my relationships, academics, and health moving forward.

To improve my relationships with my family, I am aiming to spend more of my time with them. Although my family holds much value to me, I am frequently too caught up with my studies to join them with enjoyable activities. This impacts my family relationships negatively, so I would strive to reconnect with family more often to improve my relationships with them.

As for strengthening my friendships, I will try to interact and converse with them more often. Having a heavily introverted personality, I tend to only speak when I have to. Therefore, I can appear oddly awkward around small-talk simply because I have no clue how to continue a conversation. This is quite irritating when I actually want to interact with people and make new friendships. I will then strive to improve my communication skills to maintain my friendships.

Additionally, I am striving to complete all my assignments on time, to the best of my ability, and achieve my very best on exams. By studying in a more efficient manner using practical techniques and taking active breaks, I hope to perform well in exams. Since I tend to take a long time to put an enormous amount of effort into each assignment, I sometimes end up past the due date. Therefore, I want to make my work slightly less detailed and work more efficiently so that I can finish my assignments on time.

Finally, I plan to improve both my mental and physical health this school year. Since I am consistently spending my afterschool hours writing assignments, studying, and practising the piano without taking sufficient breaks, my physical health will be negatively impacted. Therefore, I will try to spend time throughout the day stretching to increase flexibility and walking to school to increase physical movement. When I attend physical education during semester 2, I will aim to participate in the activities more frequently. To improve my mental health, I’m attempting to take breaks regularly during afterschool studying to avoid stress and mental burnout. Additionally, I am trying to maintain a more consistent sleep schedule to avoid constantly feeling tired, unmotivated, and stressed. I hope to achieve my goals of strengthening my relationships, building efficient study habits, and improving my health this school year.

Category: Grade 9 | LEAVE A COMMENT