My First Vision Board

My goal for my education is to hopefully enroll into University of British Colombia, hence why I have a picture of the school compass. I put a picture of a microscope because I have an interest in the sciences, especially biology. I strive to become a nurse or someone in the medical field in the future. I always try my best in classes and assignments, so I put an affirmation saying “Working hard for good results” to encourage myself to keep my work ethic for satisfactory results.

I am half Japanese and half Chinese and that is something I really take pride in. I wish to keep my heritage and culture going by learning my mother tongues. I speak a bit of Mandarin and I am currently taking Japanese as an elective. To represent a part of my culture I put a picture of Chinese writing.

The arts are also something I’ve always held close to my heart. I’ve always had an artistic interest, so I draw in my free time and occasionally paint. I used a photo of a messy paint pallet because I do get quite messy when I’m having fun. I used to learn piano when I was younger but unfortunately have lost that talent, but I hope to regain it by taking new lessons.

I have scoliosis, which makes my spine curve peculiar. This causes me to be more prone to more damage if I were to get into an accident. To counteract this, my doctors recommend I get more active. I’ve always loved swimming since the moment I was able to, so I occasionally go swimming to strengthen my health. I also have a dog that I take on walks daily. The photo of the cat and dog in my vision board is not mine because I know in the future my current pets may not still be with me, but I hope I do have the privilege of having more loving animals in my future.

I don’t only have furry friends but also human friends. I have a small close knit friend group that I have great times with. I put three photos, two of people hanging out and the other of people at grad. I look forward to graduation so I can learn what great accomplishments lay ahead of me. I didn’t put a picture of my family but instead to represent them I put a photo of taking a picture of scenery and the other of New York city because my family loves to travel. I also love big cities and hope to one day live in one.