December Mandatory Event ~ Christmas Spirit Week

From Monday 16th of December to Thursday 19th of December, some leadership students organised all the activities for the School Winter Spirit Week. The purpose of all the events was, as the name says, to create a Christmas spirit in the school to welcome Christmas Break. *I also helped with the Winter Formal event.

In the first place, we individually had to decide which day we wanted to organise. There were 4 days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; Friday was organised by other leadership students due to the Talent Show. I personally chose the Thursday event organisation.  Before the event day on Thursday, I participated in the making of the marketing, not the posters, though; the instagram reel to explain all the different events that will take place that week. I attached the video below. The day of the event we had to leave block 3 30 minutes earlier to help with the preparation. I personally helped with the setting and making the Photo Booth tickets. Then, at lunch, the event started and I had to supervise the line and collect the tickets for those who paid to participate. Finally, I helped clean everything up and put everything in its place. This is an overview of my participation before, during and after the event.

In the second place, the main competency I focused on for the preparation of this event was identifying and developing goals and steps required to plan/guide a project. This complex event  needed a lot of organization; it was a whole week filled with events and everyone needed to know their specific job. As there were various things to do, we had to plan everything step by step and focus on the process, without doing it wrong. An example could be the promotion stuff, in which we had to decide how many videos, how many posters, how the videos will be made and what kind of things will be said in each. In my opinion, this event had a huge relevance with my course goals, here’s why:

  • When I was in the marketing group we had to make a promotional video for instagram. I had an idea and I wanted to share it with the other members; it was about the transitions and what to put in the promotional video. As I was the only one to have, at that moment, an idea, I had to try to explain and teach them how to do it, because I was the person speaking and not recording. One of my course goals was to make myself more understandable and I think I applied the competency pretty well as I explained the steps properly.
  • But, finally, not everything looked like what we wanted it to be like (the final project, our goal) but, as from mistakes you learn, I could tick the things I liked and cross out the things that didn’t go as we wanted, so, next time these are not going to be repeated and we could work faster and efficiently. So, aligning this part of the competency with my course goals, I can say that, with a previous organization, putting what you want to do in practice can make you develop skills and gain experience for future similar activities. 

In the third place, applying this competency in the event process is what makes it useful. Before the event, as I already explained, I helped record the instagram video (it was just posted in stories), which needed a certain previous step-organization. In addition, when they told me what would be my niche during the event I tried to imagine the event structure and see how I could make it better well-organized (the line, the things the participants needed to do before taking the picture with Santa…). Finally, put that in practice! During the event I tried to stay calmed and not stress out due to the crowded area. I helped the participants know how to get to take a picture with Santa and I answered any questions they had. Meanwhile, I was trying to make the line visible and maintain a certain order just to make it easier for everyone. This required a mental map filled with little steps (pre preparation). After the event, I just tried to maintain an order and help clean up, I didn’t apply the competency though.

Here you can see specific evidences I am proud of:

  1. Realise something was missing and create it: When we met 30 min before the event, I realized something important was missing: the tickets for the Photo Booth! These ones were necessary because we could identify the participants that paid for the activity. I didn’t help with the event setting but instead I told Arisa that I would do the tickets quickly. In my opinion, my stressed reaction and the locking in for the making of this important element, tells a lot about my leadership skills. I realised that something wasn’t made and I prioritized this before anything else.
  2. Instagram video: I am quite proud of the instagram video because all the information is explained and put properly. In addition, the transitions resulted to be quite good and I thought that the idea of putting a little clip of me dancing could be something uncommon but that could attract more people, somehow. It was actually a hidden clue of what they would see on Tuesday at lunch: dance performance, I was performing too!
  3. Create a mental map and make sure I know everything: Finally, I personally think that this is something that every leadership should consider before the event day. Making sure you know how everything is going to be, knowing your niche and making a mental map with the important things or things you have to prioritize during the event, is something I normally make sure I’ve done before the event. This is something that makes me proud and confident during the event as you have more control over the situation. Of course, this is a leadership skill that can be developed better and efficiently.

Thanks for reading! I hope the event was pretty well-organized and that It was something enjoyable for the participants. Merry Xmas!!!🎄💫

Here you can see our work attached and a group picture:

  • Link for the promotion video for instagram (Made by Khadija, Natesh and I (Laia):


  • Group picture:


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