December Event – Spirit Week

Spirit Week

December 16th – December 20th

For this month’s mandatory event, I was selected as one of the point people for Spirit Week. Once I found out I was one of the point people, I started brainstorming themes and events we could do that would get the students at Pinetree most involved. Some of the ideas I came up with were White Lie Day and Vacation Mode Day. Then I had my first meeting with my fellow point people. We all displayed our possible ideas for Spirit Week and created new ideas based off each other’s thoughts. We then decided that we would lock in our ideas the next time we met as point people and after we saw the rest of our group so we could get their opinions. At our first meeting with our group, we shared what we had in mind for Spirit Week and asked about their thoughts and any ideas they had.  At our next point people `meeting, we chose Spirit Week ideas that most people would participate in and different ones that we haven’t seen at Pinetree before. We then informed the rest of the group of what we decided so they could be prepared and think about which day they wanted to do. We also appointed one person to each event we were running that week. I was appointed to the photo booth with Santa.  I then had to come up with ideas of how I wanted to run the photo booth and hot chocolate sale. I decided to assign my group members to different tasks during the event so it could run smoothly. At one of our meetings, I made sure everyone knew what they would be doing and I made sure to check with our teachers to see if we had everything. We also then wrapped the board we would using with wrapping paper so we could have a backdrop. The day of the event came and that meant it was go go go time. My group members and I left class early so we could be set up before lunch started. We set up the photo booth and the hot chocolate stand in different parts so it didn’t get too chaotic. I made sure two people were in charge of the cashboxes and that we had the tickets for the photo booth ready to go. When lunch started, the event didn’t go so well at the start. People just assumed the photo booth was free and would jump in to take photos. I then had to direct people that they had to donate or pay in order to take a photo. After that, the event went much more smoothly. Lots of people lined up for photos and hot chocolate! As lunch started to come to an end, I started to slowly cut people off so the event could end and we could clean up. At the end, I helped put everything away and made everything went back to where it belonged. I then dismissed my group members so we could call the end of the event. That concludes my Spirit Week participation.

Theme 1: Understand that successful leaders and teams develop strong relationships and incorporate effective group processes.

I chose to focus on this competency because being a point person meant that I had to have strong connections with my group. If I didn’t make the connections I did with my group members, the event wouldn’t have ran as smoothly. These strong connections allowed all of us to communicate effectively and allowed us to rely on each other if something went wrong. This also connects to my course goals because it allowed me build on my teamwork skills. It allowed me to work successfully with the people around me and build a positive and efficient environment. It also built on my course goal of wanting to be a point person. I wanted to become a point person so I could work on my leadership skills. Not only did I work on my leadership skills, I learned how to become a successful leader. This allowed me to listen to my peers and work around any issues that came up.

(It wouldn’t let me upload the photo evidence so I apologize for the lack of photo 🙁 )