Notes and Sweet
February 1st – February 14th
For this month’s event, I was put on the Notes and Sweets team. At the first meeting, the point people went over how the event was going to be ran. This event had the less planning compared to previous events due to how many times it has been ran. The only problems we had to help figure out was efficiency and marketing. We decided to work on marketing first because it was important to get the word out as soon as possible. Our group decided it would be best to do all the possible marketing forms, so we began working on posters, reels, and announcements. The next thing we had to work on was the board we would use when we were selling the notes and sweets. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to help with this part due to a prior commitment for another class. At our next meeting, we signed up for the days we wanted to sell and came up with a plan on how to hand out the notes and sweets efficiently so we didn’t take up a lot of class time. I signed up to sell for the first two dates. On the first day, we sold a decent amount for a first day. The second day we had to close up the booth due to a fire alarm. My job during the sales was to collect all the information we needed from the buyer. It was a little overwhelming at first, but after a few minutes I was okay and I was able to collect the information at a good pace. After our selling week was when we got real busy. This is when we started to package the notes and sweets. We first had to organize all the notes and read through them to make sure everything was okay. This took the longest due to the lack of information on some of the sheets. After the candy arrived, we started to package the orders. We created a bunch of lolipop bundles with ribbon and taped individual lolipops to the other notes. After that we organized them all by block and which wing they were in. We then had to sign up for a shift and I chose block 2. I arrived to school earlier that day to help make sure everything was okay and then we were on the move. We knocked on every class door that had a notes and handed them out. My group got it done so fast that we barely we missed any class. The last few things I did was make sure everything was good to go for block 4 and reflected on the event. I suggested having a sheet with teachers on it when we’re selling so we can verify any information. Thats concludes my February event.
Theme 1: Recognize why it is important to be a team player
I chose to work on this competency for this event because this event needed everyone in order for it to run smoothly. If one person wasn’t pulling their weight, the process would’ve taken much longer and been way more complicated to proceed with. Once I realized this, I made sure to put in my best effort so I wouldn’t let my team down. The time I wasn’t able to make did have a slight impact on the group making them a little slower. That’s why afterwards I always made sure to be present and provide any help if I could. This also allowed me to work on my course goals, which was working on my teamwork skills. By being more engaged and providing any assistance, it allowed me to work on these areas and create a more effective environment for everyone else around me.