Spirit Assembly

Spirit Assembly

September 18th, 2024

I was assigned to music and sound for this year’s spirit assembly. Once I was given my job, my partner and I started working on a playlist for the assembly. We focused on choosing songs that would get the crowd hyped while also selecting songs they were currently listening to. Once we finished choosing our songs, we looked through each song to make sure it was school appropriate. Then during block 3, we got a run through on how to operate the sound board and to make sure one of our phones could connect to it.  As the assembly began, my partner and I  started queuing songs we thought would get the crowd the most hyped. We then stopped the music when the MCs began to speak. After that we played the songs that the teachers chose for their lip sync battles. We then played the rest of the songs from our playlist and repeated this process for the 2nd assembly.

Theme 4: Understand the importance of knowing your audience in terms of how others receive your message

I chose this competency because choosing the music depended on how I wanted to connect with my audience. If I had chosen different music then the audience wouldn’t have participated as much and it would ruin the environment. So to prevent this from happening, I asked some of my peers for song suggestions. I first asked some other kids in leadership, then I asked some of my friends and classmates for some songs they would like to hear at the assembly. This helped me create a playlist that would tell the audience that I understand they type if music they want to hear and that I am trying to show that I care about their feedback. This also demonstrates my course goal projects. By communicating with my peers, I am proving to myself that I can communicate with those around me and I can take on smaller leadership roles by selecting the music played at the event.

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