February Event – Notes and Sweets

Notes and Sweet

February 1st – February 14th

For this month’s event, I was put on the Notes and Sweets team. At the first meeting, the point people went over how the event was going to be ran. This event had the less planning compared to previous events due to how many times it has been ran. The only problems we had to help figure out was efficiency and marketing. We decided to work on marketing first because it was important to get the word out as soon as possible. Our group decided it would be best to do all the possible marketing forms, so we began working on posters, reels, and announcements. The next thing we had to work on was the board we would use when we were selling the notes and sweets. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to help with this part due to a prior commitment for another class. At our next meeting, we signed up for the days we wanted to sell and came up with a plan on how to hand out the notes and sweets efficiently so we didn’t take up a lot of class time. I signed up to sell for the first two dates. On the first day, we sold a decent amount for a first day. The second day we had to close up the booth due to a fire alarm. My job during the sales was to collect all the information we needed from the buyer. It was a little overwhelming at first, but after a few minutes I was okay and I was able to collect the information at a good pace. After our selling week was when we got real busy. This is when we started to package the notes and sweets. We first had to organize all the notes and read through them to make sure everything was okay. This took the longest due to the lack of information on some of the sheets. After the candy arrived, we started to package the orders. We created a bunch of lolipop bundles with ribbon and taped individual lolipops to the other notes. After that we organized them all by block and which wing they were in. We then had to sign up for a shift and I chose block 2. I arrived to school earlier that day to help make sure everything was okay and then we were on the move. We knocked on every class door that had a notes and handed them out. My group got it done so fast that we barely we missed any class. The last few things I did was make sure everything was good to go for block 4 and reflected on the event. I suggested having a sheet with teachers on it when we’re selling so we can verify any information. Thats concludes my February event.

Theme 1: Recognize why it is important to be a team player

I chose to work on this competency for this event because this event needed everyone in order for it to run smoothly. If one person wasn’t pulling their weight, the process would’ve taken much longer and been way more complicated to proceed with. Once I realized this, I made sure to put in my best effort so I wouldn’t let my team down. The time I wasn’t able to make did have a slight impact on the group making them a little slower. That’s why afterwards I always made sure to be present and provide any help if I could. This also allowed me to work on my course goals, which was working on my teamwork skills. By being more engaged and providing any assistance, it allowed me to work on these areas and create a more effective environment for everyone else around me.

December Event – Spirit Week

Spirit Week

December 16th – December 20th

For this month’s mandatory event, I was selected as one of the point people for Spirit Week. Once I found out I was one of the point people, I started brainstorming themes and events we could do that would get the students at Pinetree most involved. Some of the ideas I came up with were White Lie Day and Vacation Mode Day. Then I had my first meeting with my fellow point people. We all displayed our possible ideas for Spirit Week and created new ideas based off each other’s thoughts. We then decided that we would lock in our ideas the next time we met as point people and after we saw the rest of our group so we could get their opinions. At our first meeting with our group, we shared what we had in mind for Spirit Week and asked about their thoughts and any ideas they had.  At our next point people `meeting, we chose Spirit Week ideas that most people would participate in and different ones that we haven’t seen at Pinetree before. We then informed the rest of the group of what we decided so they could be prepared and think about which day they wanted to do. We also appointed one person to each event we were running that week. I was appointed to the photo booth with Santa.  I then had to come up with ideas of how I wanted to run the photo booth and hot chocolate sale. I decided to assign my group members to different tasks during the event so it could run smoothly. At one of our meetings, I made sure everyone knew what they would be doing and I made sure to check with our teachers to see if we had everything. We also then wrapped the board we would using with wrapping paper so we could have a backdrop. The day of the event came and that meant it was go go go time. My group members and I left class early so we could be set up before lunch started. We set up the photo booth and the hot chocolate stand in different parts so it didn’t get too chaotic. I made sure two people were in charge of the cashboxes and that we had the tickets for the photo booth ready to go. When lunch started, the event didn’t go so well at the start. People just assumed the photo booth was free and would jump in to take photos. I then had to direct people that they had to donate or pay in order to take a photo. After that, the event went much more smoothly. Lots of people lined up for photos and hot chocolate! As lunch started to come to an end, I started to slowly cut people off so the event could end and we could clean up. At the end, I helped put everything away and made everything went back to where it belonged. I then dismissed my group members so we could call the end of the event. That concludes my Spirit Week participation.

Theme 1: Understand that successful leaders and teams develop strong relationships and incorporate effective group processes.

I chose to focus on this competency because being a point person meant that I had to have strong connections with my group. If I didn’t make the connections I did with my group members, the event wouldn’t have ran as smoothly. These strong connections allowed all of us to communicate effectively and allowed us to rely on each other if something went wrong. This also connects to my course goals because it allowed me build on my teamwork skills. It allowed me to work successfully with the people around me and build a positive and efficient environment. It also built on my course goal of wanting to be a point person. I wanted to become a point person so I could work on my leadership skills. Not only did I work on my leadership skills, I learned how to become a successful leader. This allowed me to listen to my peers and work around any issues that came up.

(It wouldn’t let me upload the photo evidence so I apologize for the lack of photo 🙁 )

November Event – Grade 9 Day

Grade 9 Day

November 27th, 2024

I was assigned to Grade 9 Day for my mandatory November event. At our first meeting, we discussed potential idea for the event that would bring the grade nines together. We talked about what they would like and how we could welcome them to Pinetree. Then at our next meeting we were separated into our different groups. I was apart of the trivia group. My group and I discussed how we were going to run it and what kind of prizes we would give out. We decided we would come up with a bunch of questions and the grade nines would be in groups so they could work together to answer it. For the prizes, we decided on Pinetree merchandise as a way to welcome them to our school. At our last meeting my group and I finalized our plan and made sure we had all the questions ready to go. The day of the event, I left my block 3 class fifteen minutes early so we could set up the library for the event. I helped set up the tables in groups of 4 and tested the microphones to make sure they were ready to go. I was one of the MCs for the trivia so it was important that I got the microphones working. At that point lunch was about to start so we started letting the grade nines in. At first, there wasn’t a lot of grade nines that showed up so I was worried everyone’s hard work was for nothing, but after ten minutes more grade nines started to show. I helped hand out the Pinetree water bottle and then it was time to start the trivia. My partner and I took turns reading out the questions. I tried to make it as entertaining as I could when it was my turn to talk. After we finished the trivia, we announced the winners and handed out the prizes. Once the grade nines left, I helped clean up the library and return it to its original state. That concludes what I did for grade 9 day.

Theme 4: Use effective communication skills in a group setting, which will be sensitive to everyone’s ideas, while still being efficient.

I chose this competency because communication with my group was very important for this event. As a group, we had to figure out what what would be the best way to plan our trivia. We took turn sharing our ideas, so everyone felt heard. Due to this effective communication, we were able to build off each other’s ideas and create a great trivia. At the day of the event, we all communicated with each other to make sure we all knew what to do and so our plan could go accordingly. Due to these factors, we were able to run a successful trivia that brought the grade nines together. This also connects to my course goals. In my course goals, I talked about wanting to work on my communication and teamwork skills. This event helped we work on both of them. By working effectively  with my group, we were able to create a better environment and get tasks done more efficiently. This helped boost the skills I willl need when I feel I’m ready to be a point person (another course goal of mine).

October Event – Family Fun Event

Family Fun Event

October 28th, 2024

I was assigned to Family Fun Event for my mandatory October event. For our first two meetings, we brainstormed ideas as a group of what we could do for the event. We decided on splitting the groups up by age and having them come together at the end for a costume parade. At our next meeting we finalized the plan and started thinking of anything we would need for the event. At our last meeting, we prepped some of the crafts for the younger age group and made sure everyone knew their roles. On the day of the event, I arrived early to help set up the activities and the younger kid’s assigned room. Once I finished, I stayed in the foyer greeting guests as they started to arrive. After everyone arrived, we played freeze dance and then we split the groups up. I led the younger kids to their room and explained the activities they would be doing. I provided any help if the kids needed it. After around 20 minutes, we lined the kids up to go see Timmy. While they were waiting, we slowly started to clean up any activities they were finished. We then got them ready for their costume parade and cheered each one on as they showed off their costumes. After that, the event came to an end. I helped cleaned up any games in the foyer and put the classroom back correctly.

Theme 5: · Identify components of an effective activity.

I chose this competency because planning was a huge part for this event. As a group, we had to figure out activities that would keep a younger age group entertained (who usually don’t have a long attention span). What I did was I looked online for ideas and referred to any past activities i’ve done with younger kids I used to work with. I came up with a few ideas we could do but I narrowed it down to the two that would keep them the most entertained. I helped my point person decide on arts and crafts for the younger kids because it keeps them very focused on all the little steps they have to do. I also helped my group decided on the bean bag toss because it was simple and kids love throwing things for some reason. This also demonstrates my course goals. In my course goals I mentioned eventually wanting to become a point person. By helping my group plan the activities, this helped me build some of the confidence I will need for being a point person in the future because I will need to put myself out there a lot and come up with the main idea for the event. This helped boost my grasp on the concept of being a point person and I feel my leadership skills grew quite a bit due to this event.


Spirit Assembly

Spirit Assembly

September 18th, 2024

I was assigned to music and sound for this year’s spirit assembly. Once I was given my job, my partner and I started working on a playlist for the assembly. We focused on choosing songs that would get the crowd hyped while also selecting songs they were currently listening to. Once we finished choosing our songs, we looked through each song to make sure it was school appropriate. Then during block 3, we got a run through on how to operate the sound board and to make sure one of our phones could connect to it.  As the assembly began, my partner and I  started queuing songs we thought would get the crowd the most hyped. We then stopped the music when the MCs began to speak. After that we played the songs that the teachers chose for their lip sync battles. We then played the rest of the songs from our playlist and repeated this process for the 2nd assembly.

Theme 4: Understand the importance of knowing your audience in terms of how others receive your message

I chose this competency because choosing the music depended on how I wanted to connect with my audience. If I had chosen different music then the audience wouldn’t have participated as much and it would ruin the environment. So to prevent this from happening, I asked some of my peers for song suggestions. I first asked some other kids in leadership, then I asked some of my friends and classmates for some songs they would like to hear at the assembly. This helped me create a playlist that would tell the audience that I understand they type if music they want to hear and that I am trying to show that I care about their feedback. This also demonstrates my course goal projects. By communicating with my peers, I am proving to myself that I can communicate with those around me and I can take on smaller leadership roles by selecting the music played at the event.

Course Goals

1. Learning Objectives: What specific skills or knowledge do you hope to acquire by the end of this course? Explain why these are important to you.

I expect this course to help build my social skills and leadership skills. I am someone who is a quieter person and tends to let other people take charge. So, by the end of this course I want to be able to express my opinions more and to put myself out there more like being a point person for an event. This is very important because I have to be able to take charge of situations and be able to express my own opinions when I move on to post secondary and into the working world.

2. Application of Knowledge: How do you plan to apply what you learn in this course to real-world situations or future academic/career pursuits? Provide examples.

I plan to become a psychologist when I’m older, so I’ll need to have communication and leadership skills. I’ll have to be able to communicate what my client needs and what would be the best options to help them. If I don’t have these skills, my client will struggle and be even more confused on what to do. I will also need leadership skills because I will have to able to guide my client through the process and plan out how to help them.

3. Personal Growth: In what ways do you expect this course to contribute to your personal development? Consider aspects such as critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and communication skills.

I expect this course to help build my communication and teamwork skills. As I mentioned earlier, I am a more quiet person and I tend to stand off to the side instead of expressing my opinions. So, I expect this course to help build on these skills. I want to be able to communicate with my peers more clearly so we can work better as a team, build stronger connections, and create a more efficient environment. This will also help build my teamwork skills because I will be able to communicate more effectively with my peers and I to help each other out more.

4. Challenges and Strategies: Identify potential challenges you might face in achieving your goals for this course. What strategies will you employ to overcome these challenges?

One challenge I might face is self doubt. When we get put to work in groups so we can share our ideas, I might doubt that my ideas aren’t good, and that they aren’t worth sharing. Something I will try to do I take a deep breath and remind myself that all ideas are worth sharing because even small ideas can lead to even bigger ideas. Another challenge I might face is being over looked. As I mentioned previously, I am not a very loud person so sharing my ideas is something that is already difficult for me. So sometimes people might not hear me and just over look what I say. Something I can do is work on using a louder voice and repeating what I say to make sure at least one person hears me. If that doesn’t work, i can always talk to the point person after (But only as a last resort because I want to work on speaking in front of groups).

My First Vision Board

In my vision board, I have included all 4 of the areas. For Health, I plan to eat a healthier diet that includes all 3 food groups and try to get 8 hours of sleep each night. I also plan to run and go to the gym for exercise. My plan for education is to get good grades so I can get into a good college/university like SFU. When I get to college/university I want to major in phycology. For relationships, I want to keep my connections with my family and current friends. I would also like to try and make new friends in college/university. I would like to spend time with them by going shopping or having a picnic in a park. My plan for happiness is to continue activities I like to do now which is reading, listening to music, or watching a tv show. I would also love to travel the world because I love going to new places. I’d go to Europe first if I could.

Here’s the link to my vision board :))