Reflection 1 – My Goals for the Year

GOALS FOR: Education

Independent Study:

I can develop good study habits and improve my time management skills. These skills will be useful as I go into grade 10 and up. I want to achieve this goal since it would help me have better concentration and a better sense of time as the workload would only get more. So, I would like to be able to finish assignments two days before their due date. I would achieve this by slowly developing my study habits and time management.


Collaboration can improve my communication and social skills, which is important because it helps you express your ideas and build teamwork. As I get into higher grades, there will be many more group projects where collaboration is essential, so by working and communicating with more people. My goal for collaboration is to work with lots of people instead of always staying with my group of friends. 


this is a big goal since the coursework gets more challenging. Math, group projects, and homework would train your brain to think logically which can be very useful for complex homework and in real life. problem-solving is a skill that you can use for your whole life and would be very useful once you start working. So by grade 10 I want to be able to be able to solve advance subjects and be able to find multiple ways of solving a problem. I would achieve this by striving out to solve problems and to learn new subjects.


Goals for: Health

Physical Activity:

by grade 10 I want to be able run a mile under 7 minutes and I would achieve this by running everyday. This is my goal since i can reduce my stress and improve my physical fitness and I would want to achieve this since it can be a form a relieving stress. it could also be a form of boosting my energy level if I ever feel tired or lazy

Mental Health:

I would want to be able have a strong and confident mental health by grade 10 because poor mental health could lead to overwhelming stress and could bring a negative impact on my life. the reason I would want to achieve this is because mental health is very important since poor mental health could lead to bigger problems. In order to reach this goal I would try to give myself a reason to keep on going and to never give up.


SLEEP is very important, more important than physical and mental health. you may be wondering why this is my goal. It’s mostly because sleep makes you feel ENERGIZED AND MAKES YOU FEEL READY FOR ANYTHING!!! i would like to achieve this because sleep can be very beneficial poor sleep can make your brain foggy and you would lose your concentration a lot quicker. the only way to achieve this goal is to sleep more.


Family and Friends

Branching out:

one of my goals for family and friends is to branch out and to meet new people. this is one of my goals because i usually hang out with one or two people. By grade 10 I would want to be able to branch out and meet new people by joining school teams, clubs and during class so by then i would know majority of the people in my grade.

Create memories;

as I start my high school life by grade 1o I want to create some unforgettable memories with my friends such as having going to the mall, going to eat restaurants, and having study sessions together. since I came from citadel middle school, creating memories with my new friends is unforgettable and I hope that I would be friends with them throughout high school.


by grade 10 i want to be able to more outdoor activities with my family. such as going on hikes and going on road trips. this is one of my goals because as I’m getting older I’m going to get a lot more busy with my schoolwork which means less time to spend with my family. I would spend more time with my family in order to achieve this. So by grade 10 I want to be able to communicate a lot and do lots activities with my family.