Spend more time with family
I noticed that I haven't been spending much time with my family and I think it would be nice if I can get closer to them.
Ask them for help when I need it
Last year I didn't ask my parents for help when I needed it. I struggled in math and I just tired to do all my work by myself without knowing how to solve the questions.
Help out more around the house
I want to help out more around the house but I am quite lazy. I get tired and unmotivated and I say that "I'll just do it tomorrow". But before I know it that turns into a week later. It is not a good habit so I'll try to fix it. I also want to learn how to cook so then I can make meals for my family. When my mom gets busy with her own work I can make dinner instead.
Find what I want to do in the future
I want to know what I want to do in the future so I can study and learn the things I need to, to get that career.
Do well in school so I can do well after school
If I can do well in school it will help me with life after school to get a job that I want. I also want to do well in school for my own happiness.
Get to classes on time with everything I need
This is something I really need to work on. I get frustrated every time I forget to bring something to class because I don't get how I could forget. I guess I it doesn't help me that I have to constantly go back and forth.
Eat healthy foods
I don't know why but healthy food just makes me feel better. I also want to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, and protein in my diet.
Do the things I enjoy to feel better
When I am down I should do the things I enjoy to get away from my thoughts. I overthink often but I enjoy being around friends or listening to music. So I can get me away from my thoughts by doing these things.
Take breaks/rest so I am not fatigued
I might be over exercising but I have no idea if I am. I do ninja 2 times a week for around 2 hours and I will be starting club volleyball and school volleyball soon. I also do my own exercises at home for training. I don't think I am over exercising because I am rarely soar.
All of these goals are ones that I would like to achieve next year or by grade 10!