Goals for My…
- Give/say positive complement to one of my friends and family members daily
Spreading positive energy to my community is important and is an act I always wanted to do. I would like to try and achieve this goal for a whole year in school (2024-2025). Giving compliments daily will help me work on my positive mindset, motivating me daily, and positively impacting others around me.
- Spend more time with my Family
I want to spend more time with my family and do activities together as we wish. This goal will help me to connect with my family more once a week. For example, we could bike ride together, ski, watch movies, or even walk around a park we haven’t been to before. I also want to start by baking pastries together because that’s what I always wanted to do with my family.
- Getting my time commitment right while meeting my Family/Friends
Time management, in various ways, either meeting with others or having to finish my work, was always something I had trouble controlling. I would like to make myself on time for any kind of plans I make from now on. This can improve trust between relationships and decrease the amount of time I procrastinate.
- Workout routine at least 5 times a week
I currently have my workout routine I do every few days. This always keeps me healthy both physically, mentally, and emotionally. This helps me to set my mood better, and for me to have better physical skills in general. I wish to achieve this goal because I have done this before, and it helped me a lot in various ways such as being able to concentrate for a long time and somewhat made me able to control my emotions well. Overall, it would help me develop my own physical features and aerobic exercise through this workout routine will result in my extended breathing and help me with my other academics such as singing, dancing, and playing instruments as well as being able to achieve different sports.
- Eating healthier
One of my major goals is to keep myself healthy by eating healthy foods. By that, I mean consuming less sugar in general, such as chocolate and candy, and eating less fast food and snacks like chips. I think balance is always needed, so I would like to eat less unhealthy food every week however control myself to eat 2 of those foods in a day (For ex. one chocolate, then the fries for a day). Therefore, I could have a nourishing diet.
- Prioritizing my Sleep
A good quality sleep is essential for my own physical, mental and emotional well-being. This one goal/habit can change my whole mood and my day. Since this is such a great goal to have, so I would like to have this as my 3rd goal for my health. I would like to schedule myself to sleep at 11 and wake up at 6. This gives me at least 7 hours of sleep, which is an hour short of the recommended average sleep yet still gives me enough time for my body to rest, regardless of whether I sleep early or not. If needed, I would be adjusting the time regarding my schedule of the day.
- Organizing my notes (for school & educational purposes)
At the end of every day, I would like to take an hour and a half to organize and rewrite notes I learned in class the day on my iPad. I am organizing the notes into my own words and reminding myself one more time that what unit I learned that day would make a significant difference in my educational goals. This will advance my understanding of the subject.
- I would like to write an essay every week
This was a goal I have always tried to achieve, yet a goal that I couldn’t keep for long. I felt like my stretches in my academics were always, English, as a foreign student. Whenever I wrote an essay, I felt confident and could turn myself to have a positive mindset that I could improve on my literature skills. this goal would help me to expand my writing skills as well as my thoughts into topics I didn’t have a chance to think about before, making me a stronger creative/critical thinker.
- Reading a literature book every month
As I mentioned before, literature wasn’t always my strongest subject. I’ve tried to achieve this goal before yet failed to maintain it. I believe this self-reflection on Pinetree’s digital literacy will help me achieve my goals. This will help me develop my English reading and writing skills, improve my focus and concentration, and learn more knowledge. I started this goal about a month and a half ago, starting to read “The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain. I just finished this book a few days ago, and it made me feel good that I had a goal to finish at the end of the month and then be able to keep going on that goal the next month. The next book I will be reading is a book called “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare. I am very excited to read this book and finish it off before 2024 passes. Above all, this goal would help me throughout my grade 9 years, as it will significantly improve my literature skills.
I now have the will to keep on going on my goals, turning my stretches into my strengths.