
This project was a group project in pairs of 2 to make a basic sentence in Spanish.

you were given a criteria for what you had to say and what to respond with.

Spanish Language Class for Beginners | Melton Learning Directory

First, identify

In order for me to succeed at the project i had to have a basic understanding of Spanish and some memorization.

You are given a Queue card to write only 3 words of the script to help during the conversation.

The main struggle anyone would have is the time crunch and if you forget a word its completely downhill.

Second, inspire

Most groups helped each other with forming coherent sentences for each other or looked at others words.

 A group waited for others to finish scrub out specific words relating to the persons partner and replaced it with there’s and finished which took more work but payed off in there minds.

Third, interpolate

All of the groups had similar sentences from the sharing between each other and difference being specific attributes of there partner.

such as the colour of there shoes if its white you would say lleva los zapatos blancos or if he had a white sweater, lleva un sueter blanco

Forth, imagine

Most projects were of similar sizes and organization of the topics being slightly altered so we followed with our own version with the attributes being about my partner.

We would have to do this again with my partner righting attributes about me.

Final, inspect

All steps have been thoroughly checked and the only step ahead is to actually  present the works to the class.

This work is getting me ready to speak Spanish fluently in real time to others if I do end up having to talk in a different language

Using the Creative Fluency

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