Ford LTD Anti-Ad
A piece of art

Using the excellent free software known as Paint.Net, I created this masterpiece for my Humanities Honours class. This is what is known as the “anti-ad”, a satirical spin on advertising, the new American art. This was done a few weeks ago, around early October.

This is my proudest photo edit do date. Months of using Paint.Net taught me all the capabilities of the program and how to utilize them. The Ford LTD is a beautiful car, and an example of American fuel efficency, which is non-existant. I took this opportunity to mock fuel efficency, as well as establish Ford as the dominant automobile brand of the big three.

The limitations of the text tool and the fact that you can’t edit after you enter it onto the image were my biggest challenges. You can’t change the font, bold or italic of one word in a text-box, it affects all the characters. I was not use to this in the first place, but I adjusted and overcame the challenge.

If I ever wanted to do this again, I’d probably come up with better text for the ad. I find my current text to only be the surface of my creative-thinking. If possible, I might change programs from to Adobe Photoshop.


Reflection 1

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