The project I’m using is one of the projects I finished in IT9. The assignment required students to re-edit some classic movie shots and make it into our own short clip.


In order to be successful in this assignment was to have your own style of editing and recreating but also remaining the storyline. The final result has to be creative, but also logical. The difficulties and challenges of this assignment is to be familiar with the useful tolls in video editing applications, and to balance the creativity and the original storyline in the final video.


There are a large number of video that re-edits some classic movies in to a short video. I used some of others’ ideas on how to edit my own clip. Including the sound effects that are added, the color mixture, and the tempo of the story (video).


Within all of the projects I saw online, most of them kept the original dialog with the original sound of characters. In order to make my assignment a bit more unique, I decided to add in and change some of the dialogs with my own voice. That way, my project would be more recognized and interesting.


When I started my assignment, I decided to start form the visual parts and gradually moving to the sound effects. The advantage of this is to first firm the outline of the story line and make little variations and creations within the out line. The final result was then built up step-by-step.


After my project was done, I first showed it to some of my friends and let them made opinions and suggestions. I then go back and add in or delete some elements that weren’t attractive enough for my peers. I repeated the process for a few times and finished the video.

Looking back to my process, I should’ve ask for my peer’s opinion when I was half-way or almost completed. It would’ve saved me a lot more time instead of making changes at the end.

Using the Creative Fluency

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