The assignment I chose for using this fluency was my satire video project from English. In a group, we created a skit on video to express out understanding of satire devices.

IDENTIFY: To be successful in this project, we decided that we first needed to learn what satire devices there were and understand what they meant. We also had to recognize the short time period we had to finish this project, which was only 2 classes, could be a challenge.

INSPIRE: Before creating this video, our group watched some example videos and skits to give us inspiration. We also made jokes to go into the video and were having fun as well as doing work efficiently.

INTERPOLATE: Since our video was about covid, we had quite a good view on what it was like because it’s happening right now. We were able to relate our experiences, as well as others’ experiences from online together and create different point of views. Although we only had the opinions and perspectives of the members in the group, we could assume that other students and adults felt the same way about the pandemic.

IMAGINE: At first, we were going to create a real life skit, but afterwards decided that it would showcase the “satire” more if filmed. From our perspectives and other peoples perspectives, we merged ideas and opinions to come up with an interesting video with lots of cool editing.

INSPECT: This project, our group received full marks. We followed all the instructions and added our own touch, and handed it in within the time frame. We also learned more satire devices while filming this video. In the future, I will look back to this project and see the way that our group worked together, which was very connected and respectful.


Using the creative fluency

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