Grade 9 Reflection

Reflection One.



  • Physical Education
  • Socials Studies 9
  • Power Technology 9
  • Science 9

My overall lessons mentioned above gave me such a great experience in Pinetree. They taught me a couple of things I’ve never really thought about nor have learned of. People in my classes helped me out with any problems or questions I had on my head based on the lesson, which was very thoughtful of them. Thanks to these classes which involved being in group projects or partnered games made me expand my comfort zone, therefore, made me make more friends than normal. I need to thank all my teachers for bringing different kinds of peers into communication activities and group participation, this made me make more friends and made me involve myself into different perspectives and people.



This is a video that I created in my Physical Education Class, even though I created other video tutorials, this video was one of my random pickings. This video talked about us teaching peers or the audience, “How to throw a football” this video was taught off of our learnings, observations and help from our coaches and teachers, then brought into editing. Even though I am not very good at playing the sport, I tried very hard to participate in all competitive, neutral games. Looking back at the amount of effort, compared to now and before, that I had put into, was quite low compared to now, as in on a scale of 1 to 100, I used to rate myself among the 80 effort percentage but now I’ve been rating myself 90 and above, which makes me proud. Doing PE, made me realize that doing the sport correctly isn’t as important as how much you’ve been participating, which has affected my grades greatly. Not only that but also resulting in the amount of effort goes out to our grades, everything is fair and fun!



What was the experience in Upper Canada like specifically for immigrant women?

Women colonists in Upper Canada represented themselves according to their social class and determined expectations including, values, lifestyle, and beliefs.Their success or failure relied to their fathers or husbands. In colonial society, all women were married, due to not owning any property nor working outside of home. Unmarried relied on their relatives for moral support as well as a place to live. Divorce didn’t exist at that time, therefore choosing the right person was important. Parts that made immigrant women struggle, was that having a good marriage was crucial to family, and romance was less important than friendship and duty. Immigrant women worked long hard hours were the norm, men were not expected to do household tasks such as cooking, washing, sewing. Women helped with harvesting, planting and other farm jobs. 

 These were one of the paragraphs I wrote down based on information from a Textbook, we discussed the answers on overall summaries of pieces of information on the topic. I found it interesting to discuss any questions we had in mind with our partners or with the people along our connected tables based on the sitting arrangement. Even though there were times I found it difficult to understand certain topics we learnt, but I’ve always caught up with it thanks to asking my friends, other peers and my socials teacher. Overall, I’m proud of the amount of writing I had and I would like to keep it that way. Any problems that I might’ve come across such as any grammar issues will always be fixed or are always going to be planned to be improved. 



Though this picture might seem blurry, it is something that I’ve been working on. This was a screenshot of my result. It started off with scanning a marker drawing piece, then outlining it digitally in order to it to be cut out. This design was meant to be for a customizable vinyl sticker project. This was very fun, making me create anything that came into my imagination. Slight details were important to notice or the project could turn out wrong. This lesson needed a load of patience and the capabilities to focus on little adjustments. This lesson took most of my attention than any other ones and I am proud of the amount of effort I had put in.



Image result for mitosis

This lesson mostly talked about objects that can’t be seen with a naked eye. Mostly either using a microscope or having theories. Things would get more complicated if I explain any further, but the summary is simple.

“Atoms make up everything, especially cells.”

A sentence like that can be able to explain the main topics we discuss during our lessons. We study the processes on how cells can be able to divide, on how atoms can be able to be undividable and so on so forth. The picture above shows a glance at my recent studies on cell replication. My overall effort and participation in terms of listening to the teacher while they explain come in very high respects. Since my science teacher is always clear in what they teach, I don’t ask as many questions since I find science logical in understanding little facts that wonder in my head. Science is an easy class once you get the basics of it, especially in the class I’m currently in. Science has been my favourite class so far out of all of them and I am always looking forward to my end class.




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